

Criteria for Wisconsin Report


Check off when you have completed each part.


_______1.   Page one should be a Table of Contents.

_______2.      Geography

Page two and three:  Make 2 maps of our state.  

One map should be a resource map.

For the second map choose:  population, city, highway, climate, railroad route or other.

_______3.  Government:

Page four:  Fill in state symbols sheets. Example: state flag, flower, etc.

_______4.      Page five include a paragraph about each questions:    

·        a. Who is Bob LaFollette? Why is he famous?

·        Who is Joseph McCarthy? Why is he famous?

·        Who is our state governor?


_______5.      Page six, seven, and eight, should be the Places of Interest, Ecomony Quilt, and Wisconsin ABC Chart.

_______6.      History

a.  page 9 Make a time line of important dates.     

b.  page 10 The history of Wisconsin becoming a state.   


_______7.      The following will be page 11 of this report.                                       

c.      Find two historical landmarks found in Wisconsin. Tell their location and why they are important.

d.      Write about the Ice Age and its affects on Wisconsin geography: landforms or geology (types of rocks, minerals).

e.       Where did Wisconsin get its name?

________8.  Page 12 People:  Fill in the Snapshot Template about 2 famous people from Wisconsin.


Page 13

     Make a travel brochure highlighting our state.


Page 14

Make a license plate of Wisconsin on a nice sheet of construction paper.


Page 15   

On the last page of your report list your resources.  You must use at least three separate resources.  Write either the name of the book, or person you interviewed, or library you visited.