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UUencode & UUdecode


Download now a shareware DOS executable version of UUdecode. Or, download a zipped version of the same.

The zipped version includes instructions in a "how2use.txt" file.

Visa Mastercard USA (using PayPal) and certain foreign countries
Visa Mastercard Amex Discover Worldwide (using DigiBuy)
Register your shareware by credit card. Use either the PayPal on-line payment system (USA only) or DigiBuy (worldwide). (shareware fees listed below)
For a limited time, PayPal will give you $5 for free just for signing up with them. You don't need to order any of my products to claim your $5 credit. Click on the "USA Only" Visa / MC logos above. NOTE: The PayPal site will open in a separate browser window.

What UUencode & UUdecode Do

UUencode and UUdecode are programs which will convert binary files into ASCII, and vice-versa, so that they can be e-mailed to other systems which would otherwise corrupt binary mail. Some Unix mail systems are examples of systems which corrupt binary mail.

Typical usage in order to send a binary file via e-mail would be:

1. Compress your binary file using PKzip;
2. Use UUencode to convert into ASCII;
3. E-mail ASCII file to your recipient;
4. Recipient uses UUdecode to convert the ASCII file back into a binary ZIP file.

My version of UUdecode is able to automatically detect whether your incoming e-mail file was encoded with standard uuencoding or with Mime's Base64 method, and decode it appropriately.

You can find fancier implementations of uuencode and uudecode in various places, but they do basically the same processing that my versions do. But if you are a software developer, beware that none of those other implementations make available the source code so that you can incorporate uuencode and uudecode functions into your own projects.

Windows Version: My versions of UUencode and UUdecode are DOS programs, but they can be run just as easily from within Windows 3.1 or Windows 95. With Windows 3.1, use the File Manager's "File/Run" menu selection, and enter "uudecode.exe" as the file name. Under Windows 95, use the Start button, select "Run", and enter "uudecode.exe" as the file name. My UUdecode program also supports long file names used in Windows 95. You can also open up a DOS window to run UUencode and UUdecode. More detailed instructions are in the "how2use.txt" file that is included with the zipped version of UUdecode.

Shareware Registration

My versions of UUencode and UUdecode are shareware. Two levels of shareware registration are available:

* Basic Registration for $20. This entitles you to the DOS executable version of UUencode and UUdecode (sent via uuencoded Internet e-mail, naturally). You can run them under Windows as described above.

* Deluxe Registration for $75. This entitles you to the DOS executable version of UUencode plus source code for both UUencode and UUdecode in QBasic format. (Also sent to you via uuencoded Internet e-mail.) The source code is easily adaptable to Visual Basic.

See below for the address to remit payment in US dollars. When your shareware payment is received, I will send to you the UUencode program, and the source code too if you have chosen the Deluxe registration.

Download now a shareware DOS executable version of UUdecode. Or, download a zipped version of the same.

The zipped version includes instructions in a "how2use.txt" file.

Mac Version: If you need a Mac version in executable format only, there is UUTool 2.4. It is developed by others, so be sure to adhere to their copyright notices. If you need more Mac versions, click here. Note that if you are a software developer, the shareware Deluxe Registration of my UUencode and UUdecode will give you the QBasic source code which you can then port to the Mac.

Visa Mastercard USA (using PayPal) and certain foreign countries
Visa & Mastercard are also accepted in the USA and certain foreign countries through the PayPal on-line payment system. There is no extra cost to you to use PayPal, and for a limited time PayPal will give you a credit of $5 for signing up with them. You don't need to order any of my products to claim your $5 credit. NOTE: The PayPal site will open in a separate browser window.

Visa Mastercard Amex Discover Worldwide (using DigiBuy)
Outside the USA, credit card registrations for UUdecode are accepted and processed by the DigiBuy, where it is available as Product Code 93885219738. [Read about DigiBuy] To order UUdecode with your Visa, MasterCard, AmEx, or Discover, Click Here.

Any problems using PayPal or Digibuy? You can process your basic $20 shareware payment using the Amazon Honor system. (Deluxe $75 shareware payment will require 2 separate Amazon Honor system payments.)
Amazon Honor System Click Here to Pay Learn More

Technical Support
and non-credit card orders by mail:

Alexander Walter
P.O. Box 741
Middletown, NJ.  07748

(800) 262-0827   (USA & Canada only)
(609) 504-4804   (elsewhere)
(708) 575-3865   (fax)


Other Shareware and Font-Related Products

* Handwriting Fonts

* Logo Fonts, Signature Fonts

* Font Editor for LaserJet Bitmapped Fonts

* TrueType to LaserJet Bitmapped Font Converter

* PCLdiet shrinks the size of PCL graphics files by using PCL more efficiently. It generates a "skinny" PCL file by replacing portions of your original "fat" PCL file with more efficient PCL commands understood by your LaserJet. A 60% - 70% reduction in size is typical. If your "fat" PCL file contains lots of straight lines and boxes, up to a 90% reduction in file size can be obtained.

* QuickBasic math expression evaluator, with source code suitable for any Basic or Visual Basic project.


Further Information

Payment (unless otherwise noted) is accepted in US dollars by company or personal check drawn on a bank in the USA, money order, traveler's checks, cash, Western Union wire transfer (call for details), or COD via US Mail.

For further information, contact me at the address, or phone number below, or
Mailbox send me e-mail now.

Alexander Walter
P.O. Box 741
Middletown, NJ.  07748

(800) 262-0827   (USA & Canada only)
(609) 504-4804   (elsewhere)
(708) 575-3865   (fax)

Need an unzip program? Download either: pkzip/pkunzip for DOS or Windows, or ZipIt 1.35 for Macintosh.


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