Basic Computer Math Project 4

Math Packages

Core Abilities:
Science & Technology
Due 2/08/2001
  1. Your name should appear left justified at the top of a title page. The date of the assignment's completion should appear tabbed over to the right margin on the first line. On the second line immediately below your name the assignment number MUST appear in the form " Project _ ".

  3. All the parts of the asignment should be handed in at the same time, stapled to the title page. DO NOT hand   in assignments piece meal. Wait until the entire assignment has been completed.

  5. Since MS Word has a spell checker, misspelled words are not acceptable.
1. Using the information found in the online tutorial at , use Scientific Notebook to do the following:

Enter these six algebraic expressions and perform the indicated operations.

Expand Expression 1.

Simplify Expression 2.

Simplify Expression 3.

Expand Expression 4.

Solve Expression 5.

Solve Expression 6

Take the answers to Expression 6 that involve square roots and approximate them as decimal numbers with 16 places.

Make a 2D graph of  for x between -6.28 to 6.28 . Double click on this graph and copy it to the clipboard. Open MS Paint, paste in the graph and save to your floppy disk as a gif image. Return to Scientific Notebook.

Make a 3D graph of  for x and y both between -3 to 3 . Double click on this graph and copy it to the clipboard. Open MS Paint, paste in the graph and save to your floppy disk as a gif image. Return to Scientific Notebook and print this worksheet.

2. Using the information found in the online tutorial at, use WinPlot to do the following:

Make a 2D graph of  for x between -6.28 to 6.28 . Use the File menu to copy this graph to the clipboard. Open MS Paint, paste in the graph and save to your floppy disk as a gif image. Return to WinPlot and print this graph from the File menu.

Make a 3D graph of  for x and y both between -3 to 3 . Use the File menu to copy this graph to the clipboard. Open MS Paint, paste in the graph and save to your floppy disk as a gif image. Return to WinPlot and by rotating the figure make a second copy of this image showing a different perspective view. Again use the File menu to copy this graph to the clipboard. Open MS Paint, paste in this new graph and save to your floppy disk as a new gif image. Return to WinPlot and print this last graph from the File menu.

3. Open MS Word and using the Insert P icture From File command sequence import the five images saved to the A drive in parts 1 and 4 into your document. After each graphic has been brought into your document select it and Insert a caption. Print this MS Word document.

4. Hand in all four printouts attached to the title page.