3D Titles on Your Web Page

This is an example of "An On-line Brochure," which features a 600 x 1200 pixel viewing area, background color of your choice, custom 3D Title, text about your business, e-mail link and two standard images.*

It serves as a promotion to small business operators who want to maximize their advertising budget.

Use the Internet as an inexpensive advertising solution.

As little as $5 ** per month.

There is a growing trend of placing web addresses in the Yellow Pages, along with business phone numbers. Why pay for an expensive block ad, when you can provide the same information, on-line, for as little as $5** per month.

$99 Design Fee***
$49 Setup Fee**** Waived for new accounts.
Save for a tropical vacation.
Insert your image here.
*Standard Images are photos supplied by customer which do not require extensive rework. All standard images include color, contrast and sharpness enhancements. Any additional image work will add to final cost. All rework options will be discussed prior to signing purchase order.
**$5 per month hosting fee does not include URL domain registration ($35 per year). Hosting fees are determined by Hosting Provider. Prices may change at any time.
***$99 Design Fee includes all page items listed above. Additional pages are billed at $119 per page. Additional image work, image composites, button rollovers and animations are quoted per item.
****Setup Fee consists of the following: assistance in registration of URL Domain Name with InterNIC (does not include URL domain regisration fee), uploading your page to hosting provider, troubleshooting your page for reliability. Setup Fee does not include any "Setup Fees" charged by Web Hosting Provider.

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