Greendale Originals
Neighborhood Association

An organization of residents of Greendale Original Homes
for the purpose of education, representation, service, promotion, and preservation
of our historic neighborhood.

Greendale Originals Neighborhood Association (GONA)
Meeting Minutes
October 1, 2003 7:00 p.m.
Greendale Library Community Room

Kathy Arciszewski presented information on the history and purpose of this association.

Margo Kuehn told about the cookies she has developed as a fundraiser for the association.

Kathy Arciszewski presented the mission statement. Discussion followed. The following points were raised:

Original residents still do not have a lot of information about GONA, and there are misconceptions and fears about the organization. Discussed the importance of educating residents about the association. Got together a list of volunteers to develop a flyer to pass out to all Greendale original residents describing the association. We could ask businesses in Greendale to post.

Members of GONA have differing views of the guidelines for Greendale originals. Some individuals came to the association meeting specifically because of an interest in the guidelines and their impact. A guidelines committee could be set up to examine this further. Discussed the possibility of inviting the village trustees (and maybe building inspector) to the November GONA meeting to further discuss guidelines. Decided this was not feasible.

Kathy Arciszewski went over proposed board:
President: Jack Anderson
Vice-president: Margo Kuehn
Secretary: Cathy Loomis
Treasurer: Terri Knudson

Membership co-chairs: Laura Anderson and Kathleen Hart
Program chair: Judy Zunker
Welcome committee co-chairs: Al and Virginia Emmons
Guidelines committee chair: Diane Krueger (not sure if she will participate)
Logo Contest: Pat Geary
Organizer/Advisor: Kathy Arciszewski

Discussion about whether we have enough members and are established enough at this point to approve this board. Discussed whether the proposed board is representative of the community. Options include to wait until we have a bigger membership base, instate this board as a temporary board, develop by-laws (to develop an official method to elect the board), and schedule a time for an election.

Report from Margo Kuehn on her contacts with Green Hills, OH.

Ideas for committees:
- Open house at Christmas
- Website that lists services for Greendale original homes (e.g., plumbers)

Next Meeting: Wednesday, November 5th, 2003, 7:00 PM

Back to GONA homepage.

Pages designed and hosted by Joe Russ.

Updated: 12/23/03
Copyright © 2003