Greendale Originals
Neighborhood Association

An organization of residents of Greendale Original Homes
for the purpose of education, representation, service, promotion, and preservation
of our historic neighborhood.

Greendale Originals Neighborhood Association (GONA)
Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, January 7, 2004, 7:00 p.m.
Greendale Library Community Room

Jeff Birmingham called the meeting to order at 7:07 p.m.

The secretary summarized last month's meeting minutes. Correction to these minutes given by Kathy Arciszewski.

Terri Knudson gave the treasurer's report. Last report balance was $101.00. Since then, $18.66 was spent in copying costs = $82.34. Profit from cookies sale brought in $47.25 = current balance of $129.59.

Jim Fendry made motion to use Robert's Rules of Order for GONA meetings. Joe Russ seconded this motion. Motion approved.

By-Laws Committee Report: Bob Thierfelder reported that the By-Laws Committee has met once. They are looking at sample by-laws from other organizations and from the internet. They will study and synthesize these and then bring the by-laws to the group to discuss and vote.

Bob Thierfelder brought a motion that the board consist of 7 people so we can have 2 board members (board members at large) that would be elected on a rotating basis, so that each year, even if new officers were elected, there would be people on the board that would carry over.

Another motion was to have a non-voting honorary board member, a member that has done a lot for the organization who would attend all meetings to provide his or her knowledge. This would make the board consist of 7 voting members and 1 honorary board member.

Discussion: The 11 member board established at the December meeting already exists. It is premature to offer any motions without a foundation (e.g., election terms) developed by the By-Laws committee.

There were no seconds for the 2 motions.

Kathleen Hart found information about filing to become incorporated with the state. It would cost $35.00 to file it ourselves. Jeff Birmingham suggested a committee to look into this. A motion was made to refer to By-Laws committee, the motion was seconded by Laura Anderson. Motion approved.

Fundraising: Jim Fendry discussed doing a standard fundraising dinner, the event being Emil Matteson's 100th birthday, a man who moved into Greendale in 1938. Mr. Fendry reviewed steps involved: we would need a committee of volunteers, go to the state to get a raffle license for charitable purposes. Get catering (e.g., Karl's). Fix a date. Set a dinner and choose a menu. Get people to attend, do flyers and mailing. Get stores to donate things for raffle or silent auction or sell. Several individuals volunteered to be on the Fundraising committee: Barb Krawczyk, Christy Cool, and Andrea Fendry.

Others suggested that the theme be St. Patrick's Day or honoring those Greendale residents who have been here since the beginning, or a birthday party for Greendale. Could have an annual dinner, rather than GONA dinner, give an award (e.g., pioneer award).

Mr. Fendry also mentioned that Neil Young is a having a concert in Milwaukee, the name of his album is Greendale, about an imaginary town. Could associate this with our community as a fundraiser. There is concern about the lyrics of the song, how it actually presents the imaginary Greendale.

Old Business
Good Experience List: Several members brought in lists of service providers they recommended for the list. J oe Russ will write up the list and put it on the website. Would we give an opportunity to comment on the list? Could we post comments on the website? Joe will look into this. Must be careful about liability concerns. Could call it a resource list, include a disclaimer. We will also have the list in paper form. Margo Kuehn could be the contact person for the list.

Home show: There had been a lot of interest in a home show in previous meetings. Kathy Arciszewski talked to a contractor who would be interested in participating. The concern is that reputable contractors may be too busy to participate. One idea is to invite the contractors we want. Could have a smaller, more informal home show during our meetings, or a theme meeting (e.g., all plumbers). It was suggested that we start with the list, we will need money to start a show, need to focus on one thing. Determined that the list is the priority at this point. Might want to do one spring and one fall event. Motion to postpone the home show and work on the list. Motion was seconded and approved.

Laura Anderson resigned her position as board member and committee chair at this time due to her concerns about the election process.

New Business:

Jim Fendry proposed idea of raffle at meetings, having a drawing at each meeting, donate $2.00. Have a drawing, have half go to the organization, half to the winner, could be voluntary. We don't want anyone have anyone stay away because of this. This is voluntary and therefore unofficial. It would be important to have a membership fee to invest in the organization. Some members donated money to the organization. Membership fee will be addressed by By-Laws.

Al Emmons suggested a committee examining health issues related to the Greendale original homes (e.g., mold, radon). Discussed ideas about having a speaker come to discuss these areas. Could have a do's and don'ts list related to this. Could have as part of our meeting times for tips.

Al Emmons also mentioned that our homes may go through certain needs related to the age of the home at particular times, for instance, needing repairs if the plumbing system is old. The sister cities might also be aware of the issues to be addressed.

Mentioned that Historical Society can be contacted if you need parts of an original home or would want to donate: roof tiles, doors, etc.

We will have a speaker at the next meeting.

Discussed whether to have a representative from our organization on the Greendale Village board. This may jeopardize our nonprofit status, split the group.

Submitted by
Cathy Loomis,

Next meeting: Wednesday, February 4th, 7:30 p.m.
Greendale Library Community Room

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Pages designed and hosted by Joe Russ.

Updated: 12/23/03
Copyright © 2003