Greendale Originals Neighborhood Association (GONA)
Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, February 2, 2005, 7:30 p.m.
Greendale Library Community Room
Treasurer's Report: Our current balance is $383.99. The treasurer is working on settling one expense from last year's picnic.
Youth Memorial Building: Since the last GONA meeting in December, Birmingham and several other GONA members attended the school board meeting in which this issue was addressed. The school board gave Birmingham time to devise a plan to save the building. Birmingham is still working on this plan, which involves finding a donor to cover expenses to bring the building up to code and enlisting support from community organizations. The building would be transformed into a museum that could be used by schoolchildren to learn about our community and the Roosevelt era.
A motion was approved that GONA will support efforts to restore and maintain the Youth Memorial Building. The group agreed to put out another newsletter around the middle of February that would update the neighborhood on the current status of the project, and give interested residents information on who they could contact to express their opinion (e.g., school board members, Village Life).
Greendale Green Market: The GONA board met with current organizers of the Greendale Green Market and Hales Corners Green Market. GONA has agreed to take over management of the Greendale Green Market, with assistance this year from the current organizer. Cathy Loomis will set up a meeting with the current organizer to determine a yearly schedule of tasks to run the market.
The group discussed whether to expand the Green Market to include other exhibitors (e.g., contractors, crafters). A motion was proposed and accepted that we invite exhibitors to apply to be a part of the Greendale Green Market on a space-available basis.
Newsletter: Joe Russ brought a copy of "Helpful Suggestions for Greendale Residents" that his grandmother had owned. This booklet was given to the first residents of Greendale, and contains rules and hints for living in and taking care of Greendale originals. Russ will include passages from this booklet in the newsletter. Other members suggested we could copy the booklet and sell it at the Green Market.
Website: The number of website "hits" were down to five this month. Russ is in the process of communicating with someone in the Village to see if we can link to their site. Also discussed the possibility of getting a website address that is easier to use.
By-Laws and election of board members: The by-laws were amended to create a smaller board due to a smaller membership. Now, the board of directors will be made up of four executive board members plus three additional board members, instead of the 11 board members initially specified in the by-laws.
The specific changes are as follows:
Article Six, section 1. was amended to read: The executive board shall be elected by secret ballot from the active membership and shall consist of the office of President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and three board members. Previously, the underlined area stated "one member at large".
Article Six, section 3 was amended to read: Executive board members shall be elected for a one year term, but may be elected for successive terms. Board members will be elected for alternate three year terms. The underlined area was added.
Article Seven (Board of Directors) was removed.
Article Ten (Meetings) had said that meetings will be held on the first week of every month. This article was removed to give more flexibility in setting meeting times.
Board members were elected:
President: Jeff Birmingham
Vice-President: Bob Theierfelder
Treasurer: Cheryl Koc
Secretary: Cathy Loomis
Board Member: Al Emmons (3-year term)
Board Member: Ginny Emmons (2-year term)
Board Member: Joe Russ (1-year term)
Tips on Greendale Originals: For those wanting to live in a Greendale Original, it has been observed that rents seem to go down in the winter.
Good Experience List: Al Emmons will continue to work on this.
Service to senior citizens and the disabled: This would involve Greendale students helping the elderly and disabled with yard projects. Several members had begun this project by talking with the Superintendent of Schools. We will continue to work on this project.
Meeting adjourned at 9:25 p.m.
Submitted by:
Cathy Loomis, Secretary
Next meeting: Wednesday, March 2nd, 7:30 p.m.,
Greendale Library Community Room
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