Greendale Originals
Neighborhood Association

An organization of residents of Greendale Original Homes
for the purpose of education, representation, service, promotion, and preservation
of our historic neighborhood.

Greendale Originals Neighborhood Association (GONA)
Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, March 3, 2004, 7:30 p.m.
Greendale Library Community Room

Board Members Present: Jeff Birmingham, Kathleen Hart, Margo Kuehn, Cathy Loomis, Terri Knudson, Jack Anderson, Kathy Arciszewski, Al Emmons, Virginia Emmons, Pat Geary

Board Members Absent: None

Meeting was called to order at 7:40 p.m.

Guest speaker: Scott Satula, Director of Building Inspection Services, Village of Greendale. Mr. Satula addressed questions about Greendale original homes (e.g., insulation and electrical) and about our community (e.g., green space).

Welcome to new members. Reviewed GONA's mission statement.

Secretary reviewed minutes of last meeting, and minutes were approved.

Treasurer gave financial update: new balance on GONA's account is $169.29.

Welcome committee: Welcome committee members asked about how they will find out when new residents move in. It is likely that most information will come from "word of mouth" from GONA members.

By-laws committee: The chairperson of the by-laws committee discussed the following points and asked that they be added to the minutes.

The By-laws committee has completed their task. I am presenting to the secretary our finalized draft of the Greendale Original Neighborhood Association By-laws. These By-laws are a set of rules by which the Neighborhood Association will operate. It is now time for the membership to review these By-laws and take the necessary action to make them the By-laws of our association. Article thirteen of these By-laws covers the acceptance and revision of the bylaws.

These By-laws are not a set of rules originated by the By-law committee. They were written using two guidelines:

1. "Sample By-laws of Your Neighborhood Association", which can be found at
2. "Recommended By-laws Office of Neighborhood Association", which can be found at

The committee also used information from the following sources to determine how the rules should be worded:

1. "The Greendale Library Meeting Room Policy"
2. "Constitution and By-laws of the Pensacola Beach Residents and Leaseholder Association"
3. "By-laws of the Green space Alliance of Canadašs Capital"
4. "By-laws of the West Oak Area Homeowners Association"
5. "By-laws of the Overlook Farms Homeowners Association"
6. "Constitution of the Wisconsin Southeastern Division, Inc. the National Model Railroad Association"
7. "By-laws of the Iola Lake Association"

Like many other associations, this association is a group of people with a common interest in Greendale Originals but diverse ideas and strong feelings about what the association should be doing. This association needs to present its members with the necessary information to make educated decisions. The members should know what issues will be discussed and voted on prior to the meeting. It should not put its members in a position that they cannot disagree with their neighbors. After a civil discussion, a vote should be taken and majority rule. Focusing on these concepts, these by-laws emphasize the right of members to request secret ballots and to request that a motion be tabled until all members are notified that the motion will be voted on at the next meeting. Except for the emphasis on a greater degree of secret ballots then most by-laws, and Article Seven which addresses the founders as board members, these are typical by-laws for a neighborhood association that has a mission statement similar to ours. Motion was made to hand out copies of the by-laws at this meeting and have a discussion about the by-laws at our next meeting. Motion approved.

Website update: The Good Experiences List is continuing to be improved. Joe Russ is working on making a printable version, and the list will eventually be condensed, once it becomes more of a permanent (as opposed to working) document. The website will include tips about Greendale originals. Pictures will be added to the tips. If you have anything to add to the list of tips, please put your tips in writing and give to the secretary. The website now has a section where you can e-mail your comments for discussion. The website will also include more direct links to the Greendale Village website.

Service committee update: The service committee is developing a program to have Greendale high school students do work with the elderly or disabled (e.g., shoveling or cutting grass). A meeting has been scheduled with superintendent of schools to discuss further.

Fundraising committee: The GONA president proposed the idea of having a summer party in Dale Creek Park, including a barbeque and games and prizes for kids. We could include in the cost $5.00 which would serve as a membership fee for GONA, and members would also get 6 weeks of free subscription to the Village Life. This idea will be sent to the fundraising committee for further action.

Newsletter: Discussed starting a GONA newsletter to provide information for our membership. Anyone who is interested in volunteering, please contact Jeff Birmingham.

Future meetings of GONA will bring in speakers each month (e.g., someone to discuss the issue of mold in the original homes).

If anyone would like to help with delivering flyers notifying residents of our meetings, the secretary has divided up delivery areas in the original section of Greendale, so let her know if you would like to volunteer.

Meeting adjourned at 9:05 PM.

Submitted by
Cathy Loomis,

Next meeting: Wednesday, April 7th, 7:30 p.m.,
Greendale Library Community Room

Back to GONA homepage.

Pages designed and hosted by Joe Russ.

Updated: 5/24/04
Copyright © 2004