Greendale Originals
Neighborhood Association

An organization of residents of Greendale Original Homes
for the purpose of education, representation, service, promotion, and preservation
of our historic neighborhood.

Greendale Originals Neighborhood Association (GONA)
Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, April 6, 2005, 7:30 p.m.
Greendale Library Community Room

The meeting began at 7:30 p.m.

The minutes were approved and the treasurer reported income including three paid newsletter ads. There were expenses for newsletter copying. The current balance is $222. A motion to accept the treasurerıs report was approved.

Newsletter: The newsletter editor plans to continue to put excerpts from his historical book in the newsletter. Discussed advertising for next newsletter. We could contact those who have already been placed on the Good Experiences List to see if they are interested in advertising. We need to clarify whether or not Oak Creek Plumbing will advertise; Jeff Birmingham has that information. Original Coffee wants to advertise. Al Emmons, Cheryl Koc, and Dave Bruno will advertise in the next newsletter. Loomis will ask PrintGraphix if they would like to advertise. We continue to seek out a volunteer to help with advertising. The timing for newsletter production and delivery was right on schedule this month.

Al Emmons recommended putting something in the newsletter about vents to the crawl space. We could put in a picture, information about the vents, and a reminder to change to summer vents. Al Emmons is looking for people to make the vents for Original residents. We discussed ways to keep floors warm. One member continues to look for information on where to get drop-down stairs to the attic. One member is looking for removable screening for porches. We could include an area in the newsletter for these types of requests. One member also requested that information about how one can access the original home Village of Greendale guidelines be put in the newsletter. Newsletter deliverers noted that they are hearing positive feedback about the newsletter.

Website: Website traffic remains consistent at seven hits a month. The website did not come up in a Google search. Joe Russ will look into getting a domain name of ³Greendale originals² for $9.00 a year. Russ will also talk to Joe Murray (Village Manager) about the village linking to our group. We discussed the Good Experiences List, which is on the website. We could distribute the Good Experience List with our newsletter for those without the internet. Al Emmons is working on clarifying which roofers are willing to work on clay tile roofs.

Green Market: The Green Market was approved by the village. Magnets for advertising are now available; they will be given to businesses and passed out at the Green Market. Al Emmons volunteered to copy flyers which Cathy Loomis will distribute along with magnets to the village businesses. We need to find out from Birmingham how many t-shirts are left to sell at the Green Market.

New Business: We discussed the recent meeting about the village getting on the National Historic Register. Bob Thierfelder will write a letter for the newsletter on this topic.

Submitted by
Cathy Loomis,

Next meeting: Wednesday, May 4th, 7:30 p.m.
Greendale Library Community Room

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Pages designed and hosted by Joe Russ.

Updated: 5/2/05
Copyright © 2005