Board Members Present: Jeff Birmingham, Cathy Loomis, Terri Knudson, Jack Anderson, Kathy Arciszewski, Al Emmons, Virginia Emmons, Pat Geary
Board Members Absent: Kathleen Hart, Margo Kuehn
Jeff Birmingham called the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m. He welcomed new members and read the GONA mission statement.
The secretary summarized last month's meeting minutes.
Bob Thierfelder, chairperson of the By-Laws Committee, discussed the by-laws, which were initially introduced at the March GONA meeting. Several comments were made on the by-laws, including the following:
Beginning: add front page to the by-laws, which would include a description of how the group was formed, who started it,
and include the mission statement.
Article 2: this is the mission statement, but it is reworded.
Article 4: discussion about representation and voting as pertains to whether individual is a resident or non-resident
of a Greendale original. Motion to refer article 4 back to the by-laws committee for further clarification.
The motion passed. Jack Anderson volunteered to help with this.
Article 5: "ballot" instead of "ballet".
Article 9: who should be allowed to co-sign and should we have a co-sign?
Article 10: "during" instead of "on".
Article 15: The Greendale Historical Association may be a more appropriate organization to give the assets to if the association
is disbanded, although the Greendale Library has given us the space for our meetings. Motion was made and approved
that "if the association is disbanded, the assets of the Association will be donated to the Greendale Public Library and/or the
Greendale Historical Society".
Motion was made to table discussion of by-laws until next month, and work a little bit at a time on the by-laws. Motion passed.
Guest Speaker: Nancy Van Zile, RN, BSN
Greendale Public Health Nurse and Administrator of the Greendale Health Department.
Discussed some of the services provided by the Greendale Health Department:
- Immunizations (including tetanus shots after an injury, records kept of immunizations)
- Referrals for women's health services (e.g., mammograms)
- Signing up for medical assistance
- Blood pressure checks
- Home visits (takes referrals from family, friends and hospitals)
- Visit new babies in Greendale
- Follow-up on communicable disease
- School health (e.g., educational programs, nursing, referrals)
- Visit senior centers (e.g., blood pressure, flu shots)
Update on GONA website: number of "hits" (visits to the site) increased to 45 a month. Joe Russ is continuing to work on and improve the Good Experiences List (a list of service providers recommended by GONA members).
Update on service committee: Members met with Dr. Hughes, the Superintendent of Schools, and they are working towards having students help out with elderly and disabled residents of Greendale originals.
Update on fundraising: discussed plans to sell t-shirt of Greendale at the Green Markets and other events. This would raise money for a barbeque for all residents of Greendale originals. Isabella's will provide food at cost. Please let us know if you would like to volunteer for these activities.
Emil Matteson is an individual who has been a resident of an original since the beginning of Greendale, and he recently turned 100 years old. Executive board voted to present a plaque to him from GONA. Motion presented to spend an extra $7.00 for the plaque, which cost $37.00. Current financial balance for GONA is $132.00.
Discussed plans to develop a GONA newsletter. Please let us know if you would like to volunteer to help with this.
Monthly tips about Greendale originals: If you see a water main break, quickly fill up your bathtub with water, so you'll have some to use.
Meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
Submitted by
Cathy Loomis,
Next meeting: Wednesday, May 5th, 7:30 p.m.,
Greendale Library Community Room
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