President Jeff Birmingham reviewed the mission statement of the organization.
The minutes were approved with one change and the treasurer reported that the current balance in our account is $291.10 with two outstanding copying bills to be paid. A motion to accept the treasurer's report was approved.
Newsletter: Several comments were made on how helpful the article about vents was in the last newsletter. Regarding locating replacement vents, one member stated he found plastic vents at Menards. The next newsletter will contain information on roof vents. For example, it is important to keep these vents unobstructed. We discussed attic insulation for the original homes. We also discussed how moisture from high-efficiency heaters can cause the chimney to crack.
We will have the following advertisements in the next newsletter: PrintGraphix, Heinemanns, Dave Bruno, Cheryl Koc, and Al Emmons. Birmingham will get the Heinemanns advertisement. One member suggested having some human interest stories in the newsletter: information on what is going on with people in the community. We discussed different formats for the newsletter, and different schedules (e.g., every other month). We decided to keep newsletter as it is. One member suggested that we could offer rides to the meeting for those that want to come. Cathy Loomis requested that the group continue to work on meeting the deadline for newsletter production that was discussed at the 3-2-05 meeting.
Al Emmons discussed Milwaukee County's Home Repair Program for no or low interest loans. Information on this will be included in the next newsletter.
Website: Joe Russ noted that someone already has the "greendaleoriginals. com" domain name. The group agreed that "" could be our domain name, if it is available.
Green Market: Birmingham reported that we have 27 t-shirts left to sell. Birmingham also has our organization's banner to use for the GONA booth. We decided to postpone copying and selling Russ' original booklet on Greendale homes until next year because it needs some cleaning up before printing.
Block Party: A motion was approved that our block party will be held on August 28th this year. Birmingham volunteered to be in charge of planning this event. We decided not to do raffle tickets this year, but in the future, may do something like raffle off a house painting. We will have games at the party, such as tug-of-war between different sections.
Tips and Information: A book named Greendale was recommended. This book, on the history of Greendale, is available for purchase at the Reiman's Visitor's Center. We discussed how to get rid of ants using pesticides and "ant motels". If you have a leak around the bathtub drain, you can use caulk around the outside of the drain. We discussed property assessments that were recently completed. We also talked about who would be able to put a bathroom in the coal bin area of the original homes, and who would be able to reenamel the original bathtubs.
Submitted by
Cathy Loomis,
Next meeting: Wednesday, June 1st, 7:30 p.m.
Greendale Library Community Room
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