Board Members Absent: Jack Anderson, Cathy Loomis, Terri Knudson, Pat Geary, Kathleen Hart
The meeting was called to order by Jeff Birmingham at 7:40 p.m.
Joe Russ was recognized for developing the GONA newsletter and for volunteering to do the next couple of newsletters. The mystery picture in the newsletter was a vent that is located in the chimney in the attic in Greendale original homes.
Welcome to new members.
The minutes for the April GONA meeting were reviewed and approved.
Website/newsletter report: Number of people looking at the website is down. Minutes are being added to the website. Joe has volunteered to do 3 newsletters altogether. We may want to do quarterly newsletters that are 4 pages in length. Discussed possibilities for less expensive ways to copy our newsletters and meeting announcements. We will discuss the newsletter further when we discuss new business.
We've accomplished a lot this year- GONA Good Experiences List, website, by-laws, newsletter, and as an organization, recognized a long-standing member of the community. Although people don't have a lot of time to meet, we do need more volunteers to work on fundraising and a GONA party.
Fundraising: T-shirts can be made, but we would have to buy 50, and we do not have the money to do this. We are not allowed to sell at the Emerald Event. We would like to sell t-shirts at the Green Markets. Al volunteered to provide initial money to get the t-shirts.
Summer party: We found a business that has agreed to provide food at cost. We would ask for a donation of about $5.00 for the party. We would need to investigate whether we need to get permission from the village and whether we need liability insurance.
New Business:
Newsletter: Discussed selling advertising space (e.g., business card size) to pay for the costs of the newsletter. It was mentioned that some business owners within the Village of Greendale would not be interested in this. We could approach businesses on 76th street as well as contractors in the area. Discussed cost, and whether to set $10 a month, or ask businesses what they are willing to pay, to get an idea of pricing. Discussed whether newsletters and flyers should be sent to all original homes and apartments or just people on our mailing list.
By-laws: The by-laws will be completed by the next meeting, and voted on at that meeting.
Good Experiences List: One person on the list has requested to be taken off the list because they are too busy. This leaves too few people on the list under certain categories. Someone also noted that some contractors on the list may not want to work with the original tiles, or would recommend taking down the original tiles, which this organization would not want to encourage. We may want to be more specific in our list: specify that person's specialty area and what they can do. Perhaps those who recommended could be more specific in what they recommended. It may be a problem if there are not enough contractors to do the work that is unique to preservation of the originals. Jeff Birmingham noted that the historical society has a supply of tiles if people need them for their homes.
Kathy Arciszewski reported that this might be her last meeting as a resident because she is moving. The group recognized everything Kathy has done for this organization.
No tips at this meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
Submitted by
Cathy Loomis,
Next meeting: Wednesday, June 2nd, 7:30 p.m.,
Greendale Library Community Room
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