The meeting minutes of the June 2nd GONA meeting were approved.
The treasurer reported that the balance in the GONA account is $286.75. This is before deducting printing costs for the July newsletter and the t-shirts.
The secretary recognized those volunteers who delivered newsletters to Greendale originals this month.
Newsletter: Thanks to Jeff Birmingham for the historical article that appeared in the July newsletter. We have received two additional advertisers. We have enough now to put 4 or 5 ads in the newsletter. The newsletter was also delivered to businesses this month. Next issue is Joe Russı last issue as editor. Bruce Evans has volunteered to be editor starting in September. Occasionally, we have individuals who do not want the newsletter delivered to their home. We will include contact information in the newsletter for those who do not want to receive the newsletter to notify us. The secretary will look into printing the newsletter through the Greendale schools to save on cost. There was a motion to make the August newsletter four pages. It was approved. The August newsletter will include the invitation to the GONA party.
Website: Joe Russ has updated the website. There was a complaint e-mailed to us about a service provider listed on the Good Experiences List concerning price. We discussed the possibility of getting basic prices from the providers on the list. We may want to form a committee to address this further. There are a number of options including writing to the service provider to notify them of a complaint. Joe will put instructions on the list to call for prices. We noted that some service providers do not want to work on Greendale original homes (e.g., work in the crawl space).
T-shirt sales/Green Market: We have already sold 14 t-shirts at the Green Market. We ordered 50 shirts altogether and are selling the shirts for $11.00 ($5.50 profit per shirt). Please contact Jeff Birmingham if you are able to volunteer to sell t-shirts at future Green Markets, 8:00 AM 1:00 PM on the following dates:
July 10th and 24th
August 7th, 21st, and 28th
September 11th and 25th
October 2nd
Al Sikorski asked if GONA would like to run the Green Market next year. This would involve coordinating with vendors, advertising, and set up and take down of the Green Market. This will be discussed further at a later date.
GONA party: The party will take place on August 29th. We are able to use Green Market tents for the party. We could ask businesses if they would like to help sponsor the party and handout advertising and coupons at the party.
Village Days: Village Days takes place the 2nd weekend in August. Jeff Birmingham arranged for a space in Greendale to sell the t-shirts. We could see how t-shirts sell and if necessary, order more for Village Days. Do we want to be in the parade? We will discuss this further at the next meeting. We could have a banner and wear t-shirts, or we could do something to honor those who have lived in an original since the beginning.
Closing comments by president: Greendale is unique place, and not just an ordinary village. The people make it special. GONA has the great potential to bring the people of this wonderful community together.
Tips: One member is looking for pull-down stairs/ladder for her attic. She found a company to order this, but the size they sell would not fit our originals.
One member had a raccoon family in the attic. He received advice to wait until night when the mother raccoon goes out, put ammonia soaked rags in the attic, turn on a light and the radio to create undesirable living conditions.
One member found a company that manufactures chimney caps out of stainless steel. You provide them with the measurements, and they will ship them to you.
Meeting adjourned at 8:50 PM.
Submitted by:
Cathy Loomis, Secretary
Next meeting: Wednesday, August 4th, 7:30 PM,
Greendale Library Community Room
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