My Other Secret Home Page

Me at work.
I love my job, don't let the mooning Ren on my monitor kid you.
I'd rather work here than any place else. I feel lucky that I started
here in 1995 while things were still in their "family" stage.
We've quite out-grown that at this point. Too many "kids" in the
extended family and the seperation of encompassing two buildings
have contributed to the demise of our nuclear family.
My roommates in 1997, who conveniently also work at the same place I do. 26% of our company was living together in early 1997, that is to say, lived with at least 1 other employee of the company. I think we won as we had 4 of us crammed together, the gurus come in second with 3 of them. 12% of us lived in the same apartment complex through June 1998. We were trying to convince the owner to start a commune.
Yes, that is a Borg ship on top of my computer stand. Yes, that small white blob in the right top corner is a Data mug. I'm a geek. But not as bad as Patrick who bought a Nintendo Virtual Boy because "It's only $30.00!" Ok, so I bought a Saturn instead of a PlayStation, who am I to talk.
Update: June 9th 1997. Colleen moved out last weekend to be closer to school. And then there were 3.
Patrick and Lori hard at work in the Domain & Virtual Services Department at ExecPC. As you can see, its all work and no play for those two!
Sometimes you can work so much that you feel like a zombie.  Some customers make you wish you _were_ a zombie...
My significant other sent me roses and balloons from Baumgarten Krueger Florists in Milwaukee for my birthday in Nov.97  It was a very good month! We had a romantic dinner at Scotty's Crab House, we won tickets to the Packers vs. Dallas game at Lambeau, and we won a Pilot!
June was coming upon us, and Dave and us had to find new places to live. Dave moved to the East Side.   We hated
the place we were at.  I highly recommend that you _don't_ ever move
into Westgrove on the Lake in Waukesha.  Patrick and I found a great place called Stone Creek.
Its just off I-94 and Hwy T in Waukesha.  We love the place.   We got new furniture and were all moved in by the end of the week of May 18th, 1998. 
I've been very happy there so far.  We have nice quiet neighbors and a nice sound proof
apartment.  We're close to shopping, movie's, a bike trail.  We have a gas fireplace
and there is a pool and workout room.  Its really nice.  Course it took 3 trips from
the Time Warner folks to get our cable working, and once they finally did, they
turned us off!  That was rather frustrating.  We were _this_ close to going with
satellite.  I won a universal remote from the satellite guys at our complexs
"Welcome" party.  Except the satellite guys didn't really seem to know very
much about the programming, so I didn't sign up.  Sinatra (my cat) seems to
like being the only cat in the house again.
My kids and I, Amye and Zachary.
I miss them very much because they are living with their Dad right now about 50 miles away from me.
I only get to see them on weekends, and they want to come up seperately so they can have me all to themselves, so I don't get to see them very often. It hurts a great deal, but I didn't want to disrupt their lives even more by making them move to a new city and have to start new schools and make new friends.
I'm hoping that someday they will be able to come live with me. Its hard to be happy when your heart aches for your children all the time... :(

Click here if you'd like to hear a little song that Amye made up and Zachary
used to sing when we first moved away from Alaska when he was just 5.

This is my sister and I when I was a baby. I've always thought this was a cute picture. I've always been bugging her one way or another. hehe

So, update to my life. We were engaged on Oct. 22nd, 1998. We didn't make an announcement or throw a party. We felt it was a personal private thing between us. We have not set a wedding date. There are some things to straighten up first, like paying off bills and what have you. My daughter thought it was cool. She said "Told ya so." And my son got excited, he thought it meant that he was going to get a little brother to play with. Dunno what gave him THAT idea. :laugh: (Update: its July of 2001 and we still havenĠt got any plans to get married. IĠm not really sure why weĠre still engaged at this point. :( )

Apparently not. We broke up Oct 24th, 2001. 2 days after what should have been our 3rd Anniversary of being engaged. 5 years after we started seeing each other. Patrick moved out on Oct 8th.

Oct 13th Patrick wants to talk, and says he doesn't want to break up, but he still wants to get his own place. I can't pretend to understand this, but I love him, so I have to see where this goes I guess. :) We have been getting along really great and having a good time since then, with th exception that I really wish we were still living together. :sigh:

Update 3/26/02: Patrick came back at the end of November and we have been very happy since!!
I bought a new house on February 28th and weĠre all moved in now.
I am not sure whats next...Patricks been all giggly and secretive, apparently he has some big surprise planned, but I can not seem to get it out of him. Its driving me nuts, much to his amusement. :)

My resume, in case anyone is terribly interested...

Homepages of the people I call friend whether they like it or not.
Meek Jake
Sally Most of the these guys.
A few in here. Alaska, was there 8 years.
Scared yet? You should be, I can  see you!
by Lori Martin