Search results: basic Escanaba query , eh?
- County:...... Delta (26041)
- State:........ Michigan (MI)
- Country:..... United States
- Remark:..... county seat
- Feature:..... Populated place (45)
- Lat/Long: 45 44 43 N - 87 03 52 W
- Population (1990):..13659
- Elevation:....598
- Zip code:....49829
- Median Age:..35 years
- Weather: LOCAL Forecast
View a detailed "County Economic Profile"
See who our top economic employers are. Guess who supplies our utilities! Ever wonder how many people live in Delta County? If
you wish more detailed census information see the current US counties
report. A detailed analysis of Delta County Businesspatterns is also here.
For an interactive map experience, click on the Escanaba map above and goto the original
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January 31,1997
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Eweper Productions Ltd.