Official Number 1069016

Vessel Particulars
Length: 40 ft. 6 in.
Breadth: 12 ft. 1 in.
Depth: 5 ft. 9 in.
Draft (fully laden): 3 ft. 1 in.
Height of eye: 11 ft.
Air Draft: 18 ft.
Compartmentation: 3

Main Engine: Cummins N-855-M, 200 HP at 1800 RPM, keel-cooled
Gearbox: Twin Disk MG-509, Ratio 2.95 to 1
Tailshaft: 3 in.
Wheel: Michigan Workhorse, 4 blade, Stainless steel, 38x24
Steering rudder: 33 in. x 44 in.
Backing rudders (2): 23 in. x 31 in.
Separate follow-up stick controls for steering and backing rudders.
Two hydraulic pumps: one on main engine and one powered by three-phase motor
may be operated singularly, simultaneously, or separately for redundancy.
Auxiliary Kohler 4 cylinder, 1800 RPM, keel cooled
Three-phase, 12.5 KVA, 10 KW, 120/208 Volt, PF 0.8
Two (2) 250 gallon fuel tanks
60 gallon lube oil tank
15 gallon hydraulic tank
60 gallon air tank
Safety and Navigation Equipment
Running lights, life rings, fire extinguishers as required by USCG regulations
Kahlenberg D-O whistle
CO2 fire extinguisher system in engine room.
Marine radio
Depth finder
5 ton face winches
Rubber cushioned towing knees

Vessel has a great deal of freeboard and thus easily makes 9.5 mph light boat at 1400 rpm without diving nor shipping water.
Fuel consumption of the main engine: less than 5 gph.
Separate controls for the steering and flanking rudders combined with fast action from the dual pumps makes handling a breeze.
Other Features
Very large engine room with work bench.
Truckable: Engine room cover/stack and wheelhouse bulkheads/roof are bolt attached
and fitted with picking eyes for easy removal to decrease overhead clearance requirments.
Engine control console remains with the hull so vessel can be operated in this configuration if air draft requirements dictate.
Vessel is fitted with picking eyes for lifting of entire vessel with four-ways.
Skeg protects wheel and steering rudder in shallow water operations.
Draft is 3 foot 3 inches with fuel topped off.