Wisconsin DPI Standards Addressed by The Planet Protectors


 Wisconsin DPI Science Standards

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Black text describes the scene in the show.

Blue text describes the WI science standards which are addressed.

Super-Atomic-Robo-Puppet sings a song explaining that the Earth is home to all that live on it and that if we do things that hurt this environment it affects all life. The song encourages kids to join in and do their share to keep the Earth a healthy place for all that live on it.

B.8.21 Identify and analyze individual, local, regional, national, and global effects of

pollution* on plant, animal, and human health

Super-Atomic-Robo-Puppet's computer describes some of the environmental problems and changes occurring

B.8.10 Explain and cite examples of how humans shape the environment

B.8.17 Explain how human resource use can impact the environment; e.g., erosion,

B.8.18 Identify major air, water, or land pollutants and their sources

Waste -Tor explains how he gains power when we dispose of trash and garbage. He then describes ways that people could recycle and reuse the majority of waste they create.

B.4.10 Describe how they use natural resources* in their daily lives

B.4.12 Determine the cause of different types of pollution*

B.8.10 Explain and cite examples of how humans shape the environment

B.8.15 Analyze how people impact their environment through resource use

B.8.16 Recognize the economic, environmental, and other factors that impact resource

availability and explain why certain resources are becoming depleted

B.8.17 Explain how human resource use can impact the environment; e.g., erosion,

burning fossil fuels

B.8.18 Identify major air, water, or land pollutants and their sources

B.8.20 Identify types of waste* and methods for waste* reduction (see SC Earth and

Space Science)

B.8.21 Identify and analyze individual, local, regional, national, and global effects of

pollution* on plant, animal, and human health

Electro-Cutioner talks about how he is made of wasted energy and gains strength when people don't conserve power. He lists numerous ways that people can save energy. 

B.4.2 Illustrate how they use energy* in their daily lives

B.4.12 Determine the cause of different types of pollution*,

B.8.10 Explain and cite examples of how humans shape the environment

B.8.17 Explain how human resource use can impact the environment; e.g., erosion,

burning fossil fuels

B.8.21 Identify and analyze individual, local, regional, national, and global effects of

pollution* on plant, animal, and human health

Pol-Lou-Tor explains how he is made of air pollution and how that damages the planet. He then explains various ways people could help reduce the amount of air pollution they create.

B.4.12 Determine the cause of different types of pollution*,

B.8.10 Explain and cite examples of how humans shape the environment

B.8.17, Explain how human resource use can impact the environment; e.g., erosion,

burning fossil fuels

B.8.18 Identify major air, water, or land pollutants and their sources

B.8.21 Identify and analyze individual, local, regional, national, and global effects of

pollution* on plant, animal, and human health

All three monsters refer to their armies of Envirobots who have been programmed to pollute and waste. With the help of the kids Super-Atomic-Robo-Puppet becomes aware that we are the Envirobots. It is through our actions that the Earth is suffering. The kids point out ways that they could help reduce pollution and waste and ways they can help save energy and thus drive the monsters away.

B.4.12 Determine the cause of different types of pollution*,

B.8.10 Explain and cite examples of how humans shape the environment

B.8.17, Explain how human resource use can impact the environment; e.g., erosion,

burning fossil fuels

B.8.18 Identify major air, water, or land pollutants and their sources

B.8.21 Identify and analyze individual, local, regional, national, and global effects of

pollution* on plant, animal, and human health

The Planet Protectors song stresses the three R's, gives an example of each, and encourages kids to join in to help protect the planet. 

B.8.15 Analyze how people impact their environment through resource use

B.8.16 Recognize the economic, environmental, and other factors that impact resource

availability and explain why certain resources are becoming depleted

B.8.17 Explain how human resource use can impact the environment; e.g., erosion,

burning fossil fuels

B.8.18 Identify major air, water, or land pollutants and their sources