Welcome to the ALLIANCE-FORUM mailing list, managed by the Alliance for Community Media! The Alliance is a national nonprofit membership organization committed to assuring everyone's access to electronic media. The Alliance accomplishes this by disseminating public information, advancing a positive legislative and regulatory environment, and supporting local organizing. This list is the open forum for issues and ideas about public, educational, and governmental (PEG) access on cable television and other media. Please act considerately towards the other recipients of this mailing list! This is a forum for exchanging information, opinions and ideas -- not for personal attacks upon any individual or groups. The Alliance retains the right to remove anyone from the list for any reason.
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ALLIANCE-FORUM ADDRESS: alliance-forum@igc.org If at any time you would like to remove yourself from this list, send the following email message:
TO: majordomo@igc.apc.org
SUBJ: MESSAGE: unsubscribe alliance-forum
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Please note that this is an UNMODERATED list.