State Information

Get facts and information about any of the 50 United States. Have fun.
U.S. States Information
50 states
Provides extensive information about the fifty United States of America. State information resource links to state homepages, symbols, flags, maps, constitutions, representitives, songs, birds, flowers, trees.
Info States
Infoplease is the world's largest free reference site. Facts on the United States of America, state and city statistics, U.S. history, US government, geography, national events, and disasters
These web pages will help you find out the basic facts of any state in the Union, including Washington D.C. Need to know the capital of Alabama? Want to know which hockey teams are in California? How about the size of Montana? All that information is here -- and more!
Global Computing
Complete list of official Websites for the 50 American States
Fact Monster
This is a fun site to learn about facts of the U.S. States.
Enchanted Learning
Facts, map and state symbols for the 50 states, with links to related quizzes and printouts.
4th Grade Activities
Have fun with the map activities.
The 50 States
Select a state and learn interesting facts.
Quiz Hub
U.S. State Capitals Matching Quiz
Welcome to Wisconsin
Learn all about Wisconsin and what makes it special.