Demonstrating Various Image Formats.

As you surf the Web, take notice how often images are dark and muddy. This is often the result of improper gamma levels in the image. The typical PC Platform (IBM Compatible) does not display images with proper gamma. Many web designers do not take the time to correct the gamma levels of images before inserting them into a web page. This can result in a darker image. Excessive file compression also can produce a darker looking image.

Adjusting sharpness, contrast, hue, color saturation, highlights and shadows can improve the visual quality of an image, but it is obvious that many web designers omit these steps. It may come down to the simple preponderance of different abilities or talent. Psychologists have long noted that some individuals are just better with artistic tasks and others with technical or analytical tasks. With the computer field being dominated by so many analytical/technical types, it should come as no surprise that many web designs are not very artistic. It is suggested then, that if you want a good looking web site, you need it designed from an artistic perspective. This site seeks to provide image examples from an artistic perspective.

Images produced by digital cameras may also need color correction. Although these cameras are increasing accurate in color representation, their is no substitute for the use of imaging software after the photo has been taken.

Also included in this section are examples of image cutouts with various scenic and transparent backgrounds. This is a design feature that is common throughout the Internet.

Color Correction and Enhancement
Digital Camera Photos
Image Cutouts with Transparent Backgrounds

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