Specializing in Image Enhancements.

Original Photo Photo With Enhancements

The original image, on the left, is a wallet size professional studio portrait of excellent quality, but often images are not represented properly when scanned and posted on the web. Color enhancements are needed to bring out the true beauty of the original photograph. Note, particularly, the improvement in flesh tones.

As you surf the web, take note of how often images are dark or not as clear as they should be. Part of the problem lies in the gamma correction of the computer hardware. The typical PC platform does not display images properly, leaving them darker than the original.

Scanners typically decrease image sharpness and file compression often leaves images appearing darker. If a file is compressed too much, it will also appear blurry.

Chicago Without Enhancements Chicago With Color Enhancements

The original images above and below were taken with a 35mm camera, utilizing a polarizing lens. The original photograph is of excellent quality; but once again, it is very clear that color enhancements make a significant difference. Be cautioned, however, that all photos have limitations. A poor quality photo can not be made to look perfect.

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