CWL Publishing Enterprises
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Other Book Projects Worked on
by John Woods and CWL

Fourth Generation Management: The New Business Consciousness
Brian L. Joiner
McGraw-Hill, 1994
A widely used and praised book about understanding modern management techniques, with special emphasis on understanding and managing variation in any organizational system, from the shop floor to the executive suite. John Woods worked with the author to develop and review the manuscript and managed production for the publisher.

The Team Handbook for Educators
Peter Scholtes and others
Joiner Associates, 1994
This is a revised version of the leading training book for using teams in organizations. John Woods worked with outside consultants to develop this revision and managed production for the publisher.

The Team Handbook, Audio Version
Peter Scholtes and others
American Management Association, 1994
An adaptation of this book into audio version, now offered by the AMA. John Woods sold the project to the AMA and worked with Joiner Associates and the AMA to create the final script, adapted from book.

ISO 9000 and Beyond
H. James Harrington
McGraw-Hill, 1997
A comprehensive guide to implementing ISO standards in any organization. CWL managed production for publisher.

Business Process Improvement Workbook
H. James Harrington, Erik C. Esseling, and Harm Van Nimwegen
McGraw-Hill, 1997
A guide to implementing process improvement technique. CWL managed production for the publisher.

The Harrington Business Improvement Series
H. James Harrington and others
McGraw-Hill, 1997 and 1998
A series of over 20 books, extensively illustrated, dealing with a wide variety of business-related subjects from creativity to statistical process control. CWL is managing the development and production of all the titles for the publisher.

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