Praise and Worship Musicians

Musicians who play Christian, praise and worship, gospel, religious or inspirational music for anniversaries, celebrations, church worship, dances, dinners, parties, receptions, special occasions and weddings.


  • Tom Balliew
    Tom BalliewTom Balliew, guitar, 920-853-3352, Potter.

  • Ed Bartoszuk
    Ed BartoszukBass guitar.

  • The Eric Bath Band - Original Christian Hard Rock with a Bluesy edge. We desire to be Salt and Light in a dark tasteless world. Songs tell relevant stories in challenging and somtimes humerous ways that lead us to Jesus. Erich Bath, 414-350-3574, Milwaukee.
  • Beacon - Christian jazz, blues, swing with horns, vocalists, full 10 piece reliable group. Fun for all ages. Thomas Salamone, 414-461-1402, Milwaukee.
  • Leah Butterfield - Leah is a Christian singer songwriter who also plays clarinet, sax, flute, native American flute and piano. She specializes in worship music, but she is very versatile and plays other styles of music. Leah Butterfield, 715-321-0346, central Wisconsin.
  • Direct Flow - Christan jazz. E.Young, B. Wright, S. Pass, D.McDowell, F. DeBoe, S. Comer, R.Jackson, J.Brownie, K. Fuller, C. Tools, and A. Alston, 414-873-1657, Milwaukee.

  • Divine blu-tones
    Divine blu-tones
    Five to seven musicians. Jim Aho, bass, Bob Clermont, 414-975-8019, Milwaukee.

  • Divine Calling - Invites you to praise Jesus with them every Sunday at Crimson Way Church and Hope MKE, 6125 W. National Ave., West Allis, 414-206-2521. Tatiana Cournia, lead vocals; Miguel, guitar; Ken, drums; Jim Aho, bass.
  • Samuel Elias - Christian Pop/Rock band available for your event. Martin Navarro, 1-405-256-0964, Milwaukee.
  • End Ever - A local Christian Rock Band with a great message of Christ's Love. E-mail, 262-501-6605, Milwaukee.
  • Eternity Gospel Choir
  • Finding Fortress - Christian rock group. Our new original album Lead features sounds similar to 3 Doors Down, Creed or Matchbox 20. , 608-633-1918, Sparta.
  • free2praise - Free Christian band providing music with a blend of contemporary, gospel and traditional sound. All to the glory God and the building of His kingdom. Charles Jenkins, Andrae Dukes, 414-795-6169, West Allis.
  • Freedom Within - God took family, family of God, classical music training, modern electronic instruments, drums, a pinch of cello, and created rock band Freedom Within! The Lord listened, and heard it was good! Brian Witte, guitar; Sara Witte, cello; Branden Witte, bass guitar; Jodi Cox; Nathan Greil, drums; Terri Witte, keyboard/piano, 262- 878-5182, Union Grove.
  • Marshall Gradinjan - The singing fireman, deep baritone soloist, Christian and romantic melodies. Senior or women's groups, church events. Marshall Gradinjan, 414-329-0519, Milwaukee.
  • Howard Gripp - Christian rock. Howard Gripp, 262-352-5090, Wisconsin Rapids.
  • Fran Henkel
    Fran HenkelPassed away in 2023. Piano and vocals. Has played for thousands of weddings and church services. Fran is co-founder of Al's Happy Notes. Master's Degree in Music Education. 414-771-7997, Wauwatosa.
  • Jericho (2004)
    Jean Martens, Kim Robinson, vocal; Dean Berke, Troy Thompson, Craig Felton, Zach Blindauer, guitars; Dan Blindauer, drums; Kelly Martens, keyboard. Christian rock band, parodies of secular music, 920-207-7394, Sheboygan Falls.
  • Jubalation - Traditional gospel to today's contemporary Christian music. CD: Tell Me the Story of Jesus. Casey Carney, vocals, bass guitar and mandolin; Sue Reichhoff, vocals, piano, organ and acoustic guitar; and Glen Navis, vocals, acoustic guitar and harmonica. 920-342-2376, Waupun.
  • Lighthouse - Christian artists in concert. Mark Fechter, 262-338-0205, West Bend.

  • LightSound Ministries
    Cindy LouiseArtists in Christian Testimony. CDs: You Carry Me On, I Will Love You Forever. Cindy Louise, singer and songwriter of Christian Contemporary music, Muskego.

  • Lightswitch
    Youth oriented Christian alternative rock band playing all original Christian music. Sam, bass guitar; Gabe, electric guitar; Moy, drums; Abe Romo, keyboard; 715-772-4556, Wilson.

  • Living River Quartet (1987)
    Living River Quartet
    Blend of contemporary Christian, country gospel and a cappella styles. LRQ, 715-848-1145, Wausau.

  • Long Way Round Quartet (1988) - Music ministry, lyrical praise and youth scholarships, Edward Montgomery, John Taylor, Leonard Garr, O.C. Woodard, Milwaukee.
  • Looking East - Christian rock band. We are dedicated to Christ and to win souls for Him. Our focus is on the youth of this generation, and leading them to Jesus. E-mail, Janesville.
  • Rod Luther Ministries - Southern gospel and contemporary Christian vocalist. Rod Luther, 262-844-7685, Milwaukee.
  • Bud McAtee
    Bud McAteeBud McAtee, guitar, 920-756-3830, Brillion.

  • Carolyn McAtee
    Carolyn McAteeCarolyn McAtee, vocal, 920-756-3830, Brillion.

  • Cheryl McCrary & Heirborn Band
    Cheryl McCraryIncludes drums, sax, bass, guitar, keys. Perform for holidays, weddings, corporate, churches, community, military and charity events. Cheryl McCrary, soloist, 262-884-7716, Sturtevant.

  • Barbara Meyer-Spidel and Ural Campbel - Enriching Music/Weddings, Funerals, Nursing Homes. Duo, 414-333-3334, Milwaukee.

  • Milwaukee Handbell Ensemble - John Behnke, Milwaukee.

  • Dan Muniz
    Dan MunizGuitar, 262-634-2775, Racine.
  • Night Divine - Night Divine is a quartet Christian Rock band known for inspiring original compositions such as Save Me, The Way and Transcend. Night Divine, Wales.
  • Out of the Basement (2003 - Disbanded 2006) - Karen and Kevin, vocal; Stacey Nordmeyer, keyboard; Rick, guitar; Aaron, drums; Ted, bass, southeast Wisconsin.
  • Page2 - Christian punk rock band plays their own music and some of other Christian bands. Andrew Peters, 920-757-6447, Appleton.

  • Praise Fourmation Gospel Quartet
    Praise Fourmation Gospel Quartet
    Men's music ministry singing a variety of inspirational Christian music for worship services and related events throughout southeast Wisconsin. CD: Oh, What A Time. Randy Martin , tenor; Dave Douglas, lead; Ken Cina, bass; Jim Monroe, baritone, 414-550-4056, Sussex.
  • Redeemer Church Performance Site Available for Rent - Excellent acoustics, centrally located, reasonable rates, seats 250 plus, simple contract, ample parking. Redeemer Lutheran Church, Wisconsin Avenue & 19th Street, Milwaukee. Contact: Fran Henkel, 414-771-7997.
  • Red Letter Edition Band - Aaron Lipski; Raul Terriquez, bass; Stacey Nordmeyer, keyboard; Kevin Zent, guitar, mandolin, vocals, Tim Karth, drums, 414-476-5951, Milwaukee.

  • Barbara Regent
    Barbara RegentOrgan, piano or keyboard for weddings, church services, funerals, choirs and directing since 1965 at Adoration Lutheran Church in Greenfield. Also children's theater. Helpful with music selection and reasonable rates. Barbara Regent, 414-282-0312, Greenfield.

  • Rhythm and Spirit Trio - Three or four women and a guitarist. Traditional hymns, worship songs, original Contemporary Christian songs, and lead sing-a-longs for things like worship services, women's breakfasts, and retirement communities. Cindy Louise, Muskego.

  • The Rock and Romo Band (1999)
    The Rock and Romo BandNeed info on this web site. Youth oriented Christian Alternative Rock band. Abraham Romo, keyboard; Bernadette Romo; Bridget Romo, guitar; Gabe Romos, Jr.; Moy Romos, percussion; Sam Romos, bass guitar. Spring Valley.

  • Bob Ropiak
    Bob RopiakGuitar, 262-633-8338, Racine.
  • Taraformingname - A five piece band playing Christian folk, rock and everything in between. We have 2 guitars, bass, drums and keyboards. All wonderful singers who love to play and sing in praise of the Lord. Tara Fietsch, 715-445-1329, Clintonville.
  • Dorothy Tess - Organ, piano, accordion, Dorothy Tess, 715-630-3747, Almond.
  • Trial By Fire Music - Original testament with a fresh flavor of challenging, Christ inspired lyrics over a chiseled rythm and addictive melody. Tyler Hulbert, guitar; Noah Hulbert, bass guitar; Vin VanderWeele, percussion; Gabriel Hulbert, acoustic rhythms, blues harp; 920-208-1450, Sheboygan.
  • What About Monday - Dave Zabel, drums/vocals; Brian Klug, bass/vocals/acoustic guitar; DaveWagner, guitar/vocals; Tanya Rodriguez, vocals/percussion. Sheboygan.

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