As you can see, the Fighters' Guild is built like a fort. I levitated quite high
for this view, so the people are just little orange and blue specks.
The Fighters' Guild is about the best place to get quests which lead to lots of
treasure and booty. So if you're the adventurous type, the first person you're
going to want to talk to
at the Fighters' Guild (after you've joined of course), is
Alabastyr Wickhouse.
Sooner or later you're going to find a good weapon that you really like.
And all too soon it's going to get worn out, or worse yet, broken. Well,
it's time to talk to the man that can fix just about anything unless it's magical,
the resident blacksmith,
Bedard Moorsmith.
You can also get your weapons repaired at certain stores, and at any blacksmith's shop. But the prices at the Fighters' Guild can't be beat if you're a member. And the higher up in rank you ascend, the better the prices get.
When you go on quests and fight all of those bad guys, girls, and monsters, you
do manage to eventually get better at swinging your trusty sword (or daedric wakazashi
in Gaimmienne's case). But sometimes you could use a little help from a personal
Carolyn Kingham
know's how to play rough, and she'll teach you, for a fee of course.
Unfortunately, this lady also plays rough when it comes to prices. As your level goes up, she knows that you've got more money, and she'll adjust her prices accordingly. It might be a wise idea to get as much as you can out of her before you advance too many levels.
And of course, the better at any skill you get, the more training and practice it takes to improve it. And if you keep improving a given skill, you may find that you reach a point where you know more than even Carolyn does. That's good, since it means you're doing well. But it's also bad, since it means that she won't be able to teach you any more about that particular skill and you'll have to improve it on your own.
So where does a person get some sleep around here? Certainly not outside on
the ground. The Daggerfall
do not take too kindly to loiterers.
Sleep outside of town, away from the guards? Well, you'll run in to a whole
mix of meanies if you try that - and even if they don't kill you they will at least
interrupt your sleep. You can sleep at the taverns,
but it will cost ya.
But if you're a member of the Fighters' Guild, you get to sleep at the Guild for free.
It saves you some gold that could be better spent on other things.
So when she can, Gaimmienne bunks