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Server Impulses

Impulse 26
The most important impulse of them all -- memorize it. This impulse gives help.

Impulse 24
This impulse tosses your current rune off in front of you. Two things to note: First, the vampire rune can only be tossed within 5 seconds of picking it up. Second, one of the funniest Quake stories I have ever witnessed. The level was E1M3, and I was blue. I approached the door to the red base (the one that people always sit on top of to guard), unsure as to exactly how many guards there were. I felt pretty confident, though, since I had black magic. Then, I noticed that resistance was sitting next to me, and an idea struck me. A flash of genius, you might say.

I dropped black magic next to me, and picked up resistance and threw it into the base, quickly picking black magic back up. Suddenly, three red people jumped out of the rafters to pick up the resistance rune that I had thrown into their base. You can bet I was laughing pretty hard after I fragged them all :-)

Impulse 27
This impulse provides the player with a description of the rune he is holding.

Impulse 29
In order to understand what this impulse does, you must know what the status bar is. SuckMods includes a status bar which is printed at the bottom of the player's display. The line contains the name of the rune the player has, the number of kills the player has gotten, the number of times he has died, the color name of the winning team, and the amount by which they are leading.

Also, all messages that would normally appear in the center of the screen now appear on the status bar, getting them out of your face. Shots of the status bar are available on the screen shots page. This impulse toggles the status bar on/off. Some people just find it distracting. Impulses 71-76 will configure the status bar for higher resolutions.

Impulse 141
This impulse tells you the name of the player you are looking at if he is an enemy, and the name, weapon, health, and armor of the player if he is a teammate. Bind it to a handy key, because it can be useful in the midst of a dogfight.

Copyright © 1997 Suck | Design by boysen
Quake, stylized Q, sounds, and graphics are trademarks of id Software, and are used with their kind permission.