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[Download Suck Mods 0.5]

 Suck Mods Server

5:40pm, March 25 2001

1:38pm, August 23 1998

  • It looks as if some of us still want to play.  If you are among the many, please send me an email with your connect status and any other info you would like to divulge.

7:13pm, April 9 1998

  • Well since I don't have a secure server and I would like to keep our berry mods kind of secret, you will have to ask me directly for the link to that page.

12:19pm, April 1 1998

  • The first thing I'd like to do is thank Suck for all of his efforts and to let him know that we STILL enjoy Suck Mods.

    He's given me his blessing to copy his site to mine and to make my additions to his mod.   I will keep his original mod on the downloads page for anyone to get, and will only update my own.  I'm still looking for people to help make rune models for the remaining runes so if you're interested give me a call.

    When the rune sets are complete I will be adding a new set, the clanberries.  I'm thinking about a Marionberry rune, that would be a crack pipe and when you get it you are invincible for as long as your health is above 100.  As it drains, like vampire, you will have to get health to stay invincible.  You also are shaky and have really bad aim, this will allow you to not dessimate others while you're invincible.  Once you get the flag though, all bets are off, no more invinciblity, but you can see strait now, hehe.



6:26am, December 6

  • SuckMods was a fun project, and Linux-CAPTURE! was a great server. I hope that everyone enjoyed it as much as I did. Development on this project is over. I'm devoting my time to Linux development and classes now.

    Nonetheless, I think I did some interesting things with Quake that I'd like to survive my presence in the Quake community. First and foremost, I ran Linux-CAPTURE! as an experimental server all the time, trying as best I could to keep it in a state of flux throughout its existence. I wanted to try new, even strange ideas, to see how they played. The devoted player population which frequented the server was excellent at providing feedback as to the effects of my changes, and I couldn't have done any of this without them.

    Such servers are invaluable to the Quake community, and I have no doubt that they will continue to exist. There will always be the standard deathmatch servers, and the CTF variants. It's essential to keep the little Quake sub-cultures spawned by experimental servers such as Linux-CAPTURE! alive. My controversial policy of allowing stooge bots during their development was based on the principle of supporting such explorative experimentation. So try new things, and most of all, keep on fraggin'. . .


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