My Virtual Study
Sunday, May 08, 2005
  References by subject Reference:
Google! |
Lib. Cong. |
Encyclopedia.Com |
Wikipedia |
Internet P.L. |
RefDesk |
xrefer |
AllRefer |
Great Books Concordances |


Art and Literature:

> Esthetics:

> Literature:
Literary Encyclopedia |
Book Browser |
Book Spot |
Complete Review |
Literary Critic |
Page One |
Illuminations |

Literature Network |

Society for Critical Exchange |
A Concise Timeline of Premodern Japanese Literary History |
Kicking Giants |
Luminarium |

LitWeb |

American Literature 1820-1890 |
Otto Sell |
Project Muse

> Literature > Poetry:
Academy of American Poets |
Every Poet

> Literature > Journalism:
Media and Communication Studies |
Daryl Cagle's Pro Cartoonist Index Page

> Art:
ArtsLynx |
Culture Finder

> Art > Performing Arts:
European Network of Information Centres for the Performing Arts |
Actors Craft |
American Theater Web |
Theatre History |
Didaskalia |
Cinema Sites |
Internet Movie Database |
Future Movies |
Sibelius Academy |
Andante |
Dance Links

> Art > Visual Arts:
Artcyclopedia |
ArtLex |
Great Buildings Collection |
Architecture and Building Links |
Best Practices Database |
Carfree Cities |
Photoarts |
Costume Page

Society and History:

> Historiography:

> Society:
ChildCare Action Project |
Sociology Internet Resources

> Society > The Economy and Economics:
WebEc |
Global Edge |
EconLit |
Global Macroeconomic and Financial Policy |
Labour History |
Consumer World

> Society > The Polity, Politics, and Political Science:
Policy Library |
Public Affairs Web |
National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration |
Perry-Castaneda Library Map Collection

> Society > Law:
FindLaw |
Famous Trials

> Society > Education:
Education Policy Institute |
Math Forum |
Mathematically Correct |
> History:
International Association of Library Associations and Institutions |
Internet History Sourcebooks

> History > Ancient Mediterranean and European:
Exploring Ancient World Cultures |
Minnesota State University e-Museum |
Metasites |
Links to Classical Material |
Pyramid |
Encyclopedia of Roman Emperors |

> History > Medieval Mediterranean and European:

Medieval Sourcebook |

> History > America before Columbus:

> History > Modern though the First World War:
History of the United States |
U.S. History Index |
Western Civilization from the French Revolution |
Victorian Web |
Encyclopedia of 1848 Revolutions |
The Valley of the Shadow

> History > Modern since the First World War:
New Deal Network |
American 1950s

Science and Technology:

> Mathematics:
MacTutor History of Math |
Wilkins' History of Math |
Knot a Braid of Links |
The Prime Pages |
Graphing Calculator

> Science:
Nobel Foundation |
Science Frontiers

> Science > Physical Sciences > Physics:
American Institute of Physics |
The laws list |
Physics 2000

> Science > Physical Sciences > Astronomy:
SkyView |
Your Sky |
Calendars Through the Ages |
Leap Week Calendars |
World Time Zones

> Science > Earth Sciences > Geography:
Earth Science World |
Internet Geographer |
Map Machine | |
Atlapedia Online

> Science > Life Sciences > Biology:

> Science > Life Sciences > Botany:
Internet Directory for Botany

> Science > Life Sciences > Zoology:
Internet Resource Guide for Zoology |
Animal Diversity Web

> Science > Life Sciences > Medicine:
U.S. National Library of Medicine |
Healthopedia |
BrainLand |
Whole Brain Atlas Top 100 Brain Structures |
Internet Mental Health |
Internet Drug Index

> Science > Life Sciences > Psychology:
Encyclopedia of Psychology |
American Psychological Association

> Science > Life Sciences > Anthropology:

> Science > Life Sciences > Linguistics:
The Linguist List |
iLove Languages |
Language Minatures

> Technology:
Internet Guide to Engineering, Mathematics, and Computing |
Greatest Engineering Accomplishments of the Twentieth Century

> Technology > Agriculture:
Agriculture Network Information Center |

> Technology > Transportation:
National Aeronautics and Space Administration |
Car Talk

> Technology > Information and Communication:
Internet Archive |
Open Content |
Library & Information Science News

> Technology > Weapons:
Jane's Defence

Philosophy and Religion:

> Logic:

> Philosophy:
Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy |
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy |
Hippias |
The Ism Book |
Dictionary of the Philosophy of Mind

> Religion:
Adherents |
Multifaith and Religion Sites

> Religion > Ancient:
Encyclopedia Mythica

> Religion > Buddhism:
Digital International Buddhist Organization

> Religion > Judaism:
Jewish Encyclopedia |
Judaism 101 |

Jewish Virtual Library

> Religion > Christianity:

> Religion > Chrisitanity > Catholic:
Catholic Encyclopedia |

> Religion > Christianity > Orthodox:
Orthodox Christian Information Center |
Orthodox Church in America

> Religion > Christianity > Protestant:
Hall of Church History |
Chronology of Christianity |
Pentecostal-Charismatic Thological Inquiry International

> Religion > Islam:
IslamiCity |
Islamic Server

> Religion > Modern:
Operation Clambake

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