Tosa East Class of '77
25 Year Reunion

Email Address LIst

Class of '77 Email Addresses*

John Albright

Kathy Brown Miner

Mitch Calkins

Danielle Clauss Ovanin

Ken Carson

Joe Dean

Teresa Diehl Reeves

Tom Dornoff

Ruth Dorworth Padgett

Polly Drew

Mark Ehrmann

John Gustavson

Ed Hannas

Jake Hansen

Jeanne Jacob Hammer

Maribeth Jansen

Kathy Kreuser Berendt

Erin Kurtz Michael

Jeff Lewis

Patti Listle Kamin

Jennie Moe Ehrmann

Christopher Peterson

Jay Ralph

Jim Rauschenberger

Jane Rawles

Julie Reiland

Wayne Schrubbe

Kathleen Secondi

John Shepherd

We would appreciate your help

   In an effort to reach as many of our alumni as possible, to honor those alumni who have died, and to have the best reunion weekend possible, your help would be appreciated.

   If you know of any classmates who have moved and might not have received mailings, kindly notify us. Presently we have over 175 people for whom we do not have a current mailing address. You may follow this link to see the current list of missing classmates. Please contact Tom Dornoff at should you have contact information for these classmates. Tom is the coordinator of the reunion mailings.

  Should you have any information (photographs, family phone numbers, etc.) concerning our deceased classmates, please contact us.

  A fund raising booklet with advertisements is being produced by Tom Dornoff, with all funds raised will go towards a donation to the "Make-A-Wish Foundation" in memoriam of our deceased '77 classmates. This booklet will be distributed to all reunion guests on Saturday evening.

  The cost for a full page, black and white ad, is $100. Anyone interested in placing an advertisement in a booklet to be distributed to all guests on Saturday evening, please contact Tom by email. Tom is coordinating all aspects of the booklet.

  In an effort to honor those alumni who have died, your help would be appreciated. Should you have any information (photographs, family phone numbers, etc.) concerning our deceased classmates, please contact Tom at

   If you have additions for the reunion website (content suggestions, website links, photos, corrections) please submit via email to:

The Tosa East Class of '77 Reunion Website* at

Thanks again for visiting the Tosa East Class of '77 Reunion Website

   We hope to see you all at the reunion!

Click here if you'd like to return to the Tosa East Class of '77 Homepage

Click here to see the list of fellow classmates' Email Addresses

Click here to see the list of our Reunion Committee

Click here to see the list of our Missing Classmates

Click here to honor Our Deceased Classmates

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   * We will not sell, lease, trade, give or in any way make any data we collect available to any other individuals or companies for any commercial purpose.

© Copyright 2002 Tosa East Class of '77 Reunion