Tosa East Class of '77
Missing Classmates

Thank you for any help you may be able to offer in locating our classmates.

   Your reunion committee members are working hard towards a great turnout. Please contact Tom Dornoff at should you have contact information for the following classmates:

Christine Anderson Mischker

Patricia Anderson Spencer

Sylvia Bajic Bartel

Michael Bassett

Christopher Beck

James Bender

Donald Benson

Susan Beverly

Robert Beyer

Jeffrey Bishop

Thomas Boyes

Karl Braem

Wendy Braun Hanisch

Theresa Brewster

Laurie Brooks Weigel

Scott Brownlee

Mark Brunner

Stuart Buchmann

Scott Callahan

Barbara Callan

Richard Carter

Jay Cartrell

Elizabeth Cayo

Robyn Charles

Laurie Clark

Theresa Collier

Mary Jo Cooper

Mary Day Friday

Jeff Deuster

Steven DiCostanzo

Mark Dimpfl

Jeff Dougherty

Ray Dougherty

Colleen Dwyer

Alan Erdmann

Lydia Equitz

Ann Foley

Peter Froiland

Darlyn Frye Scotfish

Robert Grayson

Cynthia Greer Schaefer

Edith Gretenhardt

William Grittinger

Matthew Guetz

Laurie Gusho

Alan Halvorson

Patricia Hansen

Bradley Heard

Kathleen Held

Susanna Held

Marilyn Hidde

Charles Hilbert

David Hitz

Julie Hollenstein

Peter Horan

Jill Jacobson

Julie Jaenslen

Matthew Jameson

Jodi Janesko Musolf

David Johnson

Derek Johnson

Russell Johnson

David Johnston

Gregory Kalyvas

Brian Kasik

Robert Kebbekus

Colleen Kelly

Lori Kibowitz Mantych

Kay Kirchen

Duncan Kivell

Roxanne Kivell Gebhard

Mary Klobucar

Jeffry Kloss

Amy Knoles

Alan Krause

David LaFleur

Kathleen Lange

Lauren Langsford

Heidi Lawien

Christopher Lehmkuhl

Jeffrey Lewis

Ruth Lucey Lewandowski

Jeffrey Maas

Susan Majewski

Frank Malloy

Charles Manthy

Ronald Marshall

Linda McCullough Calaway

Mary McClutchy Schmidt

Joan McKee

Beverly McWilliams

Paul Mindel

Timothy Mitchell

Gregory Mitton

Peter Molter

Cheryl Montani Ireland

Guy Moyer

William Mueller

May Jo Mulert Mueller

Gerald P Nagel

James O'Connor

Gregg Ohrmund

Mark Patterson

Julie Pearl

Sandra Pelate Stewart

Thomas Peterson

Marc Post

Teresa Prey Peters

Jay Ralph

Richard Ranz

Dean Rehberger

Ellen Reifurth

Randel Reinders

Gail Rheaume

Kathy Rheingans

Dean Robinson

Margaret Rogers Terry

Lisa Rushman

Steve Salamone

Yasemin Sariata

Patricia Scheller Mayer

Tim Scheuer

Sarah Schilling

Diane Schlenvogt Czarniak

Susan Schmidt

David Schmitt

John Schmitz

James Schroeder

Christine Schuler Davis

Jane Sermersheim Pace

Heather Shelton Parks

Michael Sherman

Craig Sherry

Carolyn Shore

Kathy Shufelt Kline

William Siegel

Christopher Smith

Tamara Smith

Barbara Spencer Schinderle

Ann Steinberg

Clay Steinmann

Kim Steltz Herzer

Dean Sternke

Roger Strobel

Michael Susnik

James Swanson

Peggy Texeria Everson

Christine Thierfelder

Arliss Thiel Lopina

Pamela Thoennes Bergen

John Tillison

Jean Trad Walker

Cathy Treuden Butcher

Steven Vinton

Celeste Voicensek

Pam Vomberg

Kurt Voss

Daniel Walk

Vicky Waterman Szczepanski

Thomas Watson

Susan Webb Reber

Thomas Wedemeyer

Elizabeth Weiss

Richard Welsh

Stephen Wember

Kenneth White

Bruce Williams

Karl Williams

Gwen Zimmerman Ainsworth

   If you have additions for the reunion website (content suggestions, website links, photos, corrections) please submit via email to:

The Tosa East Class of '77 Reunion Website* at

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   We hope to see you all at the reunion!

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   * We will not sell, lease, trade, give or in any way make any data we collect available to any other individuals or companies for any commercial purpose.

© Copyright 2002 Tosa East Class of '77 Reunion