by Joe Russ
Some of the information is from a handout about MGN's Midwest Hiawatha from a few years back. Other information is from what I was told about the cars from people who worked there, and from memory. If anybody has any corrections, specifics, or more details, please let me know and I'll add them (email link is at the bottom of this page). Unfortunately I do not have any interior shots of this equipment.
Milwaukee Road F7 #109A
Built by EMD in 1951 and rated at 1,500 hp. Reportedly only had 60 hours of operation on it after being rebuilt. Repainted in 1992.
Milwaukee Road RPO #2159
Built by the Milwaukee Road in the Valley Shops in 1948. Repainted about
1997 with Milwaukee Road lettering only done on one side.
Milwaukee Road Pullman #24 "Jefferson River"
Built in 1949. Repainted about 1997. Never got to see the interior. I understand it was all original. The four bedrooms, eight duplex
roomettes and six roomettes have a sound system, individual temperature controls and toilet and sink facilities. Originally used on the Pioneer Limited.
Milwaukee Road Diner #170
Built by the Milwaukee Road in the Valley Shops in 1948. This all veneer interior dining car was originally made
as a diner-lounge for the Midwest Hiawatha, this car was used extensively as a forty-eight seat diner on
The Milwaukee Road/Union Pacific trains from Chicago to the West Coast. Only two cars of this type were ever built (#170 & 171). For information
on other Milwaukee Road diners visit Milwaukee Road Passenger Cars - Diners.
It was repainted about 1997 with Milwaukee Road lettering only done on one side. Car seemed almost
all original, including the kitchen. I don't recall if all the wood stoves were
removed (or converted), but the only addition I recall seeing in there was a
microwave. Lunches were served there around 1989-90, and then dinners in
1991. Both were prepared on-board. Also used to host special dinner parties
using authentic railroad china and menus.
Historic note: No. 170 made its first run as part of Harry S. Trueman's campaign
train. While he did not eat in the car, he reportedly did have a drink (or two) and
cigar in it.
Great Northern 2 Roomette/buffet/lounge/observation "Going-to-the-Sun Mountain" #1292
Built in 1951 by
American Car Foundry, the car first served on the GN's Empire Builder then on the International before the formation of Amtrak. Of the six Mountain series cars built,
only car 1292 retains the original exterior paint scheme and interior design. Used as a
lounge from 1987 to mid-January 2002. One of the roomettes was converted into a lady's restroom. Featured
appropriate (original?) chairs and couches, replicas of GN lamps, and authentic
C&NW drink tables/ash trays. Carpeting was replaced either 1999 or 2000. GN
system map on one wall was in good condition with some tattering on the
bottom. Also had an emblem on the walls between the windows of each state
the GN served. Repainted in 1992. Visit The
Great Northern Empire Then & Now for information on other GN cars.
Milwaukee Road Caboose
Number unknown. Obviously of Milwaukee Road heritage with the rib sides.
I was told it was painted red instead of orange because, "Everybody expected a red caboose."
Milwaukee Great Northern "Alaska"
Unknown origin. Only car with Milwaukee Great Northern lettering. Was told it had a pool table in it - used as a party car. Windows on one side were blocked out.
Railway Express Agency 6786
A former World War II Pullman Troop Sleeper converted to REA use. Still has journal trucks.
Milwaukee Road Mail Car (?)
Number unknown. Built in the Milwaukee Road shops. By its paint it appears to have been in MOW service at one time. I believe this was a mail car and not a baggage car.
Milwaukee Road RPO
Number unknown. Built in the Milwaukee Road shops. By its paint it appears to have been in MOW service at one time.
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All text and photos by Joe Russ. Copyright © 2004 by Joe Russ