CWL Publishing Enterprises
Books Written
by John Woods and Jim Cortada
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Qualitrends: 7 Quality Secrets That Will Change Your Life
John A. Woods and James W. Cortada
McGraw-Hill, 1996
This short book introduces you to some basic principles and practices at work in organizations. We call them "QualiTrends" because they are based on the insights of TQM, and they are trends moving into management practice today. These trends do not represent the latest quick management fix. Rather, they are the intelligent actions managers take when they want their organizations to operate efficiently and deliver high-quality products and services to their customers. |
McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Quality Terms & Concepts
James Cortada and John Woods
McGraw-Hill, 1995
This is a kind of dictionary that covers over 600 concepts related to quality management, from activity-based costing to zero defects and nearly everything in between. This book is for anyone who needs a ready reference to the tools and techniques associated with TQM. Each entry includes a definition, examples, and where to find out more information. Appendixes include a comprehensive bibliography of books, a directory of magazines dealing with quality, and a directory of major quality organizations. |
10 Minute Guide to Teams and Teamwork
John A. Woods
Alpha Books/Macmillan General Reference, 1997
In 15 short chapters, you will learn about why teams are important in organizations today, and a raft of easy-to-read information on how to implement teams, including teamwork values, types of teams, team leadership, team meetings, team decision making, self-directed teams, dealing with team problems, and what to do when teams don't work. A compact but complete guide to using teams in any organization, featuring ideas, techniques, and procedures for helping team members collaborate in ways that lower costs and improve quality. |
Gregory M. Bounds and John A. Woods
South-Western College Publishing, 1998
This is a college textbook for the supervisory management course and it is also appropriate for any modern supervision training course. It uses the systems view of organizations as its theme and as the foundation and rationale for sound first-line management actions. It has the following recurring themes as well: process management, continuous improvement, teamwork, empowerment, problem prevention, and customer satisfaction. Click on the cover to learn more about this book. |
Sales Games and Activities for Trainers: Easy-to-Use Games, Activities, and Exercises to Teach and Learn How to Sell
Gary B. Connor and John A. Woods
McGraw-Hill, 1997
This book is for trainers and sales managers and anyone looking for fun and insightful games and exercises to help sales people learn about topics like time management and organization, building relationships, questioning techniques, presentation techniques, handling objections, attitude, reinforcement techniques, product knowledge, and understanding the competition. Includes over 90 games. CWL managed the production for this title. |
TQM for Information Systems Management
James W. Cortada
McGraw-Hill, 1995
How do the principles of total quality management apply to managing information systems? This book answers that question and includes a wide variety of examples and prescriptions for more effectively managing information systems to help organizations operate more effectively. CWL managed the production for this title.
TQM for Sales and Marketing Management
James W. Cortada
McGraw-Hill, 1993
Do you want to know how to apply the principles of quality management, from process control and continuous improvement to customer satisfaction? TQM is just as relevant to sales and marketing as it is to manufacturing. This book provides the tools and direction for successfully using this enlightened approach to managing to get better results from individuals and the organization as a whole.
Best Practices in Information Technology
James W. Cortada
Prentice-Hall PTR
In this 250-page book, Jim Cortada covers such things as new ways to make sure IT delivers economic value to the organization, what IT practices have in common and where to look for them, how to take a snapshot of your current effectiveness, and how to choose among competing IT initiatives—and make sure they deliver on their promises.
Other CWL books that might interest you:
The Quality Yearbook, 1998 Edition
The 1998 ASTD Training and Performance Yearbook
Books developed by CWL Publishing Enterprises
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