Orchestras and Ensembles

Find, join or support a Wisconsin orchestra, ensemble or symphony.
Perform music with instrumentalists, especially string players organized to perform in ensemble.


Orchestra or Ensemble Practice Location Day Time Start - End Director or Conductor (Contact Person)
Air Command Orchestra (1986) W324 S7163 Squire Ln.
Mukwonago 53149-9352
- - Richard Hanson, 262-392-2432
Alverno Pro Musica
Mount Mary College
3401 S. 39 St.
Milwaukee 53215-4093
2nd Sn 1:30 - 4:30 PM Sister Rita Schweitzer, 414-258-4810
Pat Brenckle, 414-542-4551
Andante Chamber Orchestra Our Saviors Lutheran Church
145 Lisbon Rd.
Oconomowoc 53066-2897
M 7 - 9 PM
Sep - Dec
and Feb - May
Matthew Masko, 262-367-5333, ext. 34
(Deanne Zawerschink, 262-567-2041)
Open to community, $45 full season, $23 half.
Appleton North High School Orchestra
(Wind Symphony)
* Students *
Appleton North HS
5000 N. Ballard Rd.
Appleton 54913-8942
- - Gary Wolfman
ANHS 920-832-4300
Beaver Dam Area Orchestra (1954) Beaver Dam HS
500 Gould St.
Beaver Dam 53196-1995
M 7 - 8:30 PM
September - April
Erin Ebersole
(50 to 60 adult members)
Bel Canto Chamber Orchestra Mequon United Methodist Church
11011 N. Oriole Ln.
Mequon 53092-4915
- - Lori Babinec, 262-383-2642
(Debbie Rakestraw, 414-481-8801)
Union, 60 members
Beloit College Orchestra Beloit College Hendricks Center for the Arts
409 Pleasant St.
Beloit 53511-6217
- - David Anderson
(Beth Pohl, 608-363-2366)
Beloit Janesville Symphony Orchestra See Rock River Philharmonic
Beloit Memorial High School Jazz Orchestra Beloit High School
- - Chris Behrens
Bonne Amie Musical Circle
See Milwaukee Mandoline Orchestra
Bradford High School Orchestra
(Concert, Chamber, Symphony)
* Students *
Mary D. Bradford High School
3700 Washington Rd.
Kenosha 53144-1641
- - Bradley Mann and David Schripsema, 262-653-6200
Symphony Musicians (PDF 17k), Community Musicians (PDF 14k)
Brookfield Assembly of God Sanctuary Orchestra BAOG
3285 N. Calhoun Rd.
Brookfield 53005
- - Jim Mayer, 262-783-2900
35 Musicians (PDF 71k)
Carnaval Madison Monthly - Chamber music for strings, winds, and piano. Scott Ellington, 608-233-8204
Carroll Chamber Orchestra Shattuck Auditorium
Carroll College
100 N. East Av.
Waukesha 53186-5593
W 4 - 5:30 PM Students
(Dena, 262-524-7182)
Carroll College Orchestra
(Restructured to be a college student only ensemble May, 1999)
W 7 - 9:30 PM
except summer
Short audition - solo, scales, sight read, open to community
Carroll College Wind Symphony T, Th 4 - 5:45 PM Larry Harper
(Dena, 262-524-7182)
Carthage College Chamber Orchestra
Carthage College
2001 Alford Park Dr.
Kenosha 53140-1900
- - Dr. James C. Ripley, 262-551-5859
Musicians (PDF 18k)
Carthage College Orchestra Kneosha - Dr. James C. Ripley, 262-551-5859
Musicians (PDF 19k)
Carthage College Wind Orchestra (also Lincoln Chamber Ensemble)
Kenosha - Dr. James C. Ripley, 262-551-5859
Carthage lincoln Chamber Ensemble Kenosha - - Peter Denae
Central Wisconsin Symphony Orchestra, Inc.
1128 Main St.
Stevens Point 54481
- Oct - May Dr. Patrick Miles, 715-346-2027
(Nancy Viner
CWSO, 715-345-2976)
Chamber Music Ensemble - MATC
(Canceled September, 1997)
Whitefish Bay Middle School
1144 E. Henry Clay St.
Whitefish Bay 53217-5716
T 7 - 9:40 PM
Except summer
Mary Pat Subjak
(Joan Brink, 414-962-2846)
(Registration & $53/12 weeks, strings only)
Chippewa Valley Symphony Orchestra
UW Eau Claire
Fine Arts Center
316 Eau Claire St.
Eau Claire 54702-4004
T 7:30 - 9:30 PM Nobuyoshi Yasuda, 715-836-2284
CVSO, 715-832-6366
(Mary Keezer, 715-834-7530)
Chippewa Valley Youth Symphony
* Students *
UW Eau Claire
Fine Arts Center
316 Eau Claire St.
Eau Claire 54702-4004
T 6 - 7:50 PM Ivar Lunde, Jr., 715-836-3524
(Audition, $35/semester, Middle/HS)
Concord Chamber Orchestra
Nicolet HS
6701 N. Jean Nicolet Rd.
Glendale 53217-3799
W 7:15 - 9:45 PM Jamin Hoffman, 262-236-4244
(Allison Berndt, 414-628-6018)
Musicians (PDF 66k)
Concordia University String Ensemble
(Chamber Winds, Symphonic Wind Ensemble)
Concordia University Chapel
12800 N. Lake Shore Dr.
Mequon 53097-2402
- - Dr. Louis A. Menchaca
(D. L. Giacobassi, 414-462-8821)
Drum Brigade, Project Create Percussion Ensemble Carroll College
100 N. East Av.
Waukesha 53186-5593
- Summer
4 weeks
James A. Sewrey, 262-255-2947
PC, 262-524-7190
(Ages 13 to 53)
Duluth-Superior Symphony Orchestra
(Youth Symphony, Sinfonia, Youth Ensembles)
506 W. Michigan St.
Duluth, MN 55802-1579 (also Superior, WI)
- - Markand Thakar, 218-733-7575
Eau Claire Chamber Orchestra
Chippewa Valley Convention & Visitors Bureau
3625 Gateway Dr.
Eau Claire 54702-4875
- - Ivar Lunde, Jr., 715-836-2386
Edgewood Chamber Orchestra Edgewood College
1000 Edgewood College Dr.
Madison 53711-1997
- - Sergei Pavlov, 608-663-2394
Falls Patio Players Orchestra Menomonee Falls North Junior HS
N88 W16750 Garfield Dr.
Menomonee Falls 53051-2899
- - Michael Crain, President, 262-255-8372
Curtis Hart, Musical Director, 414-321-3107
FPP Musicians Photos (PDF 224k)
Festival City Symphony
(Formerly Milwaukee Civic Symphony Orchestra before 1934 to 1994)
MATC Auditorium, Room C129
1036 N. 8 St.
Milwaukee 53233-1400
Music for Families Concerts: Pabst Theater, 144 E. Wells St.
Pajama Jamborees: Marcus Center for the Performing Arts, Bradley Pavilion, 929 N. Water St.
T 7 - 9:30 PM Monte L. Perkins, 414-352-4678
(Linda E. Jones, 414-963-9067)
(Resume, Sept. audition 10 minutes concerto or sonata and sight reading, must be member of musicians' union to play in Pajama Jamborees).
Musicians (PDF 60k)
Fine Arts Quartet
(1946 - 2018)
UW Milwaukee - - Wolfgang Laufer, 770-384-0915
First Congregational Church Senior Orchestra
(Formerly Washington Park Symphony) (1996-2002)
First Congregational Church
1511 Church St.
Wauwatosa 53213-2593
M 10 - 11:30 AM
except summer
William "Bill" Polley, passed away February 29, 2016.
Open to community
Fond du Lac Chamber Orchestra (Also Fond du Lac Symphonic Winds and Percussion) UW Fond du Lac
University Center
400 University Dr.
Fond du Lac 54935-2998
- - Pat Eby
UWFDL, 920-929-3661
Fond du Lac High School Symphonic Winds and Percussion Fond du Lac HS
Fond du Lac
- - Matt McVeigh
Fort Atkinson High & Middle School Orchestras (1984)
(The FAHS Chamber Ensemble (2001), FAMS Jazz Strings (2003))
Fort Atkinson H & M Schools
310 S. 4th St. East
Fort Atkinson 53538-2368
- - Patricia Nielsen, 920-563-7811 ext. 1122
Alison Jewer, 920-568-4465 ext. 100
Four Lakes String Ensemble
(Formerly New Horizon Orchestra before 1995)
5976 Executive Dr Suite A
Fitchburg 53719-5329
T 6 - 8 PM
Presentation Rm.
WB, 608-271-1460
Four Lakes String Ensemble Beginners Th 7 - 8 PM
Studio 2
Fox Valley Symphony Orchestra
111 W. College Av., Suite 550
Appleton 54911-5781
M 7 - 9:30 PM Brian Groner
(Melissa Gurholt, FVO, 920-968-0300, FAX 920-968-0303)
Fox Valley Youth Symphony Orchestra (1974)
* Students *
111 W. College Av., Suite 550
Appleton 54911-5781
Sn 4:30 - 6:45 PM Gary Wolfman, 920-968-0300, Ext. 26
Lynn Lichte, Youth Orchestras Manager, $350
Fox Valley Youth Philharmonia Strings (1991)
* Students *
111 W. College Av., Suite 550
Appleton 54911-5781
Sn 4:30 - 6:45 PM Greg Austin, 920-968-0300, Ext. 26
Lynn Lichte, Youth Orchestras Manager, $250
Gracenotes Community Orchestra
* Students *
Mukwonago High School
605 W. Veterans Way
Mukwonago 53149
T 7:00 - 9:00 PM Nancy Groubert, 262-470-3811
70 piece Community Orchestra
Greater Milwaukee El Sistema
* Students *
Hadfield Elementary School
Music Room
733 Linden St.
Waukesha 53186-5161
M T W 4:15 - 5:45 PM Kelly Schmitt, 262-278-8480
(Sarena Lawrence, 262-271-1928)
Green Bay Civic Symphony
West HS; Saint Norbert College; Bay Port HS Howard
147 N. Broadway
Green Bay 54303-2727
T 7 - 9 PM Seong-Kyung Graham, 920-468-4676
(Stephanie S. Dantinne)
Green Bay Symphony Orchestra Weidner Center
UW Green Bay
2420 Nicolet Dr.
Green Bay 54311-7001
- Various Bridget-Michaele Reischl
(920-435-3465) Audition
Green Bay Symphony Youth Orchestra
(String Orchestra, Philharmonia, Youth Symphony)
* Students *
UW Green Bay
2420 Nicolet Dr.
Green Bay 54311-7001
Sn PM Mike Ross, Audrey Nowak and Micah Hoffman
(Audrey Nowak, 920-435-3465)
Audition, age 8 to undergraduate college
Harp Ensemble, The
* Students *
Saint Matthew's Lutheran Church
1915 Hogeboom Av.
Eau Claire 54701-4356
M 7 - 9 PM
Oct-Dec, Feb-Apr
Serena O'Meara,715-830-5070
Auditon, Middle/HS
Harps Unlimited Milwaukee Chapter American Harp Society
3941 N. 71 St.
Milwaukee 53216-2021
- - Jeanne Henderson, 414-462-1809
Homestead Symphony Orchestra
* Students *
James Barr Auditorium
Homestead HS
5000 W. Mequon Rd.
Mequon 53092-2099
- - HHS, 262-238-5900
Kenosha Orchestra Boosters
- - Susan Jensen President, 262-654-0927
Kenosha Symphony Orchestra
(1939)(Chamber Orchestra)
Reuther Alternative HS Auditorium
913 57th St.
Kenosha 53140-4064
Varies - Miriam Burns
(Deborah Ruffolo, 262-654-9080)
January, 1942, Program (PDF 192k)
Kettle Moraine High School Strings
* Students *
349 N. Oak Crest Dr.
Wales 53183-9711
- - KMHS, 262-968-6200
Kettle Moraine Middle School Srings
* Students *
301 E. Ottawa Av.
Dousman 53118-9700
- - KMMS, 262-965-6515
Kettle Moraine Symphony, Inc.
(Formerly Moraine Symphony Orchestra from 1968 to 2002)
PO Box 52
West Bend 53095
Th 7 - 9 PM
Oct - May
Richard Hynson, 262-302-0145
Audition Sep., Musicians (PDF 64k)
Kettle Moraine Youth String Orchestra See: Schauer Youth String Orchestra
Knightwind Ensemble See Bands page
La Crosse Symphony Orchestra (1898) Xcel Energy Building
3217 Commerce St.
La Crosse 54603-1755
- - Amy R. Mills, 608-783-2121
La Crosse Youth Symphony Orchestra
* Students *
Xcel Energy Building
3217 Commerce St.
La Crosse 54603-1755
- - Dawson Strutt, 608-783-2121
Lake Cities Youth Symphony Orchestra
* Students *
Wilson Jr. HS Band Rm.
PO Box 606
Manitowoc 54221-0606
T 6 - 7:45 PM Geoff Stenson, 920-683-8350
10 to 18 years, $40
Lake Country Orchestra
(Affiliated ensemble of the Oconomowoc Chamber Orchestra)
Nature Hill Intermediate School
850 Lake Dr.
M 7 - 9:15 PM Robert J. Ignaszak
(15 years or older, register online
Lake Geneva Symphony Orchestra
Badger High School
220 South St.
Lake Geneva 53147
Th 7 - 9:30 PM David Anderson, 847-741-2685
(Mike Frazier, 262-248-1198)
Lakeshore Wind Symphony Thomas More HS
2601 E. Morgan Av.
St. Franics 53207-3796
W 7:30 - 9:30 PM
Except summer
Robert V. Awe, 414-545-4122
(Audition, $50 per year suggested)
Lakeshore Youth Philharmonic
* Students *
Carthage College Johnson Arts Center, 3rd Fl.
2001 Alford Park Dr.
Kenosha 53140-1994
Sn 1 - 3 PM Alexander Mandl
MS or HS, $150 registration
(Michael J. Cyzak, 262-694-3201)
Lakeshore Youth Sinfonia
* Students *
Carthage College Johnson Arts Center, 3rd Fl.
2001 Alford Park Dr.
Kenosha 53140-1994
T 6:30 - 8 PM Diana M. Iorio
MS or HS, $150 registration
(Michael J. Cyzak, 262-694-3201)
Lawrence Symphony Orchestra
(Chamber Orchestra)
Lawrence University Conservatory of Music
PO Box 599
Appleton 54912-0599
- - Bridget-Michaele Reischl, 920-832-6619
Pierre Plax
Madison Chamber Music Society 3831 Winnemac Av.
Madison 53711-1757
- - Scott D. Ellington, 608-233-8204
(Amateur wind and string musicians perform chamber music for small ensembles)
Madison Community Orchestra
Madison Area Technical College
3550 Anderson St.
Madison 53704-2599
T 7:00 - 9:00 PM
Also 4 weeks in summer
Louis Menchaca
Madison Flute Choir Bethany Methodist Church
3910 Mineral Point Rd.
Madison 53705
T 7:00 - 8:30 PM Berlinda Lopez, Large Flute Choir
Danielle.Breisach, Chamber Choir
Madison Symphony Orchestra, Inc.
211 N. Carroll St.
Madison 53703-2211
Various 10 AM- 12 PM John DeMain, 608-259-2922
MSO, 608-257-3734
Manitowoc Symphony Orchestra
PO Box 606
Manitowoc 54221-0606
- - Wayne Wildman
(Peggy Pitz, 920-684-3492)
Marquette University Orchestra
Marquette Varsity Theatre
1326 W. Wisconsin Av.
Milwaukee 53223-2241
M, W 6 - 8 PM Steven Rindt, 414-288-7476
(Student registration)
Medio Arte Woodwind Ensemble
(Quintet) (1999-2001, 2010-2011)
White House of Music
2101 N. Springdale Rd.
Waukesha 53186-2853
W 9 - 10:30 AM John J. Jurek (Passed away 9/25/2011)
Menomonee Falls High School Orchestra Menomonee Falls HS
W142 N8101 Merrimac Dr.
Menomonee Falls 53051
- - Arthur Ulichny, 262-255-8444
Menomonee Falls Symphony Orchestra
(Formerly Milwaukee Catholic Symphony Orchestra) (1998)
Hamilton Fine Arts Center
W220 N6151 Town Line Rd.
Sussex 53089
M 7:30 - 9:30 PM
except summer
Alexander Mandl
Sept. audition, prepared piece, sight reading and scales
Merrill MS Orchestra
108 W. New York Av.
Oshkosh 54901-3760
- - - Stephan Wucherer, 920-424-0442
Middleton Community Orchestra (2010) Middleton HS
2100 Bristol St.
Middleton 53562
W 7:15 - 9:30 PM Mindy Taranto, 608-212-8690
Milwaukee Area Recorder Society Mount Mary College, Rm. 37
2900 N. Menomonee River Prkwy.
Milwaukee 53222-4597
2nd Sn 1:30 - 4:30 PM Sister Rita Schweitzer, 414-258-4810, ext. 388
$30 per year includes lessons
Milwaukee Ballet Orchestra Jodi Peck Center
504 W. National Av.
Milwaukee 53204-1792
- Various weeks except summer Andrews Sill
(Lori Babinec, 414-643-7677)
Audition, Musicians (PDF 18k)
Milwaukee Catholic Symphony Orchestra
See Menomonee Falls Symphony Orchestra
Milwaukee Chamber Orchestra
WI Lutheran College, Raabe Theater
8815 W. Wisconsin Av.
Milwaukee 53226-3513
- - William Helmers
(Sarah Schwab, 414-881-9900)
Milwaukee Civic Symphony Orchestra
(1948 - 1994)
See Festival City Symphony
Milwaukee Community Orchestra
Milwaukee Youth Arts Center
325 W. Walnut St.
Milwaukee 53212
W 7 - 9:30 PM Margery Deutsch, 414-229-4609
Kari Kraenzler
No audition, 12 years of age or older
Milwaukee Mandolin Orchestra
(1982) (Previously - Bonne Amie Musical Circle 1900)
Quaker Friends Meeting House
3224 N. Gordon Pl.
Milwaukee 53212-2250
Th 7 - 9:30 PM Renee Izquierdo and Elina Chekan
Linda Binder, 414-573-2180
Dave Moynihan, 414-964-5161
Milwaukee Municipal Orchestra Hamilton HS
6215 W. Warnimont Ave., Door #5 off south parking Lot
Milwaukee 53215-4498
T 7 - 9 PM
except summer
Jennifer M. Cummings, 414-803-2057
(Milwaukee Public Schools Recreation Division, 414-475-8811, registration per semester fee: $43 resident, $64.50 non-resident)
Milwaukee Summer Philharmonia
Brass Bell Music Store
210 W. Silver Spring Dr.
Glendale 53217-4503
T 7 - 9:30 PM
Jun - Aug
Ralph H. Lane (Passed away February 6, 2014)
Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra
(Wisconsin's largest performing arts organization) (1959)
Suite 900
330 E. Kilbourn Av.
Milwaukee 53202-3141
- - Edo de Waart
(Mary Novak, 414-291-6010)
Resume, October auditions, union
Musicians (PDF 54k)
Meet the Performers
Milwaukee Symphony Pops - - Marvin Hamlisch
(Mary Novak, 414-291-6010), resume, October auditions, union
Musicians (PDF 66k)
Milwaukee Youth Symphony Orchestra - String Orchestra (1956)
(Beginning string orchestra)
* Students *
North: Nicolet HS
6701 N. Jean Nicolet Rd.
Milwaukee 53217-3701
M 4:30 - 5:45 PM Denice Haney and Lynn Trinkl
(Amber L. Oosterwaal, 414-267-2950 )
Generally 3 - 7 grade, fee $380
South: Greenfield MS
3200 W. Barnard Av.
Greenfield 53221-2647
M 4:45 - 6 PM
West: Wauwatosa West HS
11400 W. Center St.
Wauwatosa 53222-4213
M 6:45 - 8 PM
Milwaukee Youth Symphony Orchestra - Chamber Flute Ensemble
(High school flute choir)
* Students *
Milwaukee Youth Arts Center
325 W. Walnut St.
Milwaukee 53212-3868
M 4:30 - 6 PM Lenee Stevens
(Amber L. Oosterwaal, 414-267-2950)
Generally 10-12 grade, fee $380
Milwaukee Youth Symphony Orchestra - Flute Chorale
(Middle school flute choir)
* Students *
Milwaukee Youth Arts Center
325 W. Walnut St.
Milwaukee 53212-3868
M 6:15 - 7:30 PM Lenee Stevens
(Amber L. Oosterwaal, 414-267-2950)
Generally 6-9 grade, fee $380
Milwaukee Youth Symphony Orchestra - Junior Wind Ensemble
(Middle school wind ensemble)
* Students *
Milwaukee Youth Arts Center
325 W. Walnut St.
Milwaukee 53212-3868
Th 6:45 - 8:30 PM Thomas L. Dvorak
(Amber L. Oosterwaal, 414-267-2950)
Generally 6 - 9 grade, fee $380
Milwaukee Youth Symphony Orchestra - Philharmonia
(Advanced full orchestra)
* Students *
Milwaukee Youth Arts Center
325 W. Walnut St.
Milwaukee 53212-3868
M 6:30 - 9 PM Carter Simmons and Ronald Melby
(Amber L. Oosterwaal, 414-267-2950)
Generally 9 - 11 grade, fee $380
Milwaukee Youth Symphony Orchestra - Senior Symphony
(Advanced full orchestra)
* Students *
Milwaukee Youth Arts Center
325 W. Walnut St.
Milwaukee 53212-3868
M 6:15 - 9 PM Margery Deutsch and Shelby K. Dixon
(Amber L. Oosterwaal, 414-267-2950 ), Generally 10 - 12 grade, fee $380
Milwaukee Youth Symphony Orchestra - Sinfonia
(Middle school string orchestra)
* Students *
Milwaukee Youth Arts Center
325 W. Walnut St.
Milwaukee 53212-3868
Th 4:30 - 6:15 PM Steven Rindt
(Amber L. Oosterwaal, 414-267-2950)
Generally 6 - 9 grade, fee $380
Milwaukee Youth Symphony Orchestra - Jazz Studies
* Students *
Milwaukee Youth Arts Center
325 W. Walnut St.
Milwaukee 53212-3868
Various Various Barry Oosterwaal, Clifford Gribble
(Amber L. Oosterwaal, 414-267-2950), Generally 10 - 12 grade, fee $380
Milwaukee Youth Symphony Orchestra - Progressions
* Students *
Milwaukee Youth Arts Center
325 W. Walnut St.
Milwaukee 53212-3868
Various Various Stephane Deimer
(Amber L. Oosterwaal, 414-267-2950), Intensive string program for students in grades 3-4 who have been nominated from partner MPS schools, fee $380
Mitchell Middle School Orchestra
(Symphony) (1996)
* Students *
Mitchell Jr. HS
2701 Drexel Av.
Racine 53403-2998
- - Rex Rukavina, 262-664-6400
Moraine Symphony Orchestra See Kettle Moraine Symphony
Neenah High School Orchestra
* Students *
Neenah HS
Pickard Auditorium
1275 Tullar Rd.
Neenah 54956
- - Kristina Stingle, 920-751-6900 ext. 203
New Horizon Orchestra See Four Lakes String Ensemble
North Shore Symphony Orchestra
Concordia University
12800 N. Lake Shore Dr.
Mequon 53097-2402
T 7:30 - 9:30 PM Dr. Louis A. Menchaca, 262-243-5700
Oconomowoc Chamber Orchestra Oconomowoc Arts Center
641 E. Forest St.
Oconomowoc 53066
- - Roberta Carpenter
(Info and to receive Newsletter)
Oconomowoc Orchestra O See Lake Country Orchestra
Oconomowoc High School Orchestra
(Middle School Orchestra, Chamber Strings)
* Students *
Oconomowoc HS
W360 N7077 Brown St.
Oconomowoc 53066-1197
- - Robert J. Ignaszak, 262-567-6632
FAX 920-474-7595
Oshkosh Elementary School Orchestras
* Students *
18 Various Elementary Schools
215 S. Eagle St.
Oshkosh 54902-5626
- - Amanda Sommers, 920-424-0320
Oshkosh High School Orchestras
* Students *
Oshkosh North HS
1100 W. Smith Av.
Oshkosh 54901-1848
- - Yukiko Grine, 920-420-4020
Oshkosh West HS Oshkish West HS
375 N. Eagle St.
Oshkosh 54902-4294
- - Yukiko Grine, 920-420-4020
Oshkosh Middle School Orchestras
* Students *
Carl Traeger MS Orchestra
3000 W. 20th Av.
Oshkosh 54904-6344
- - Kris Schwebke, 920-424-0065
Perry Tipler MS Orchestra
325 S. Eagle St.
Oshkosh 54902-5626
- - Amanda Sommers, 920-424-0320
South Park MS Orchestra
1551 Delaware St.
Oshkosh 54902-6547
- - Kris Schwebke, 920-424-0431
Webster Stanley MS Orchestra
915 Hazel St.
Oshkosh 54901-4057
- - Stephan Wucherer, 920-424-0442
Oshkosh Symphony Orchestra
200B City Center
PO Box 522
Oshkosh 54903-0533
- - Dr. William LaRue Jones
(Dr. James Grine, 920-233-7510)
Oshkosh Youth Symphony Orchestra
* Students *
U.W. Oshkosh
A/C Building Room N-14
800 Algoma Blvd.
Oshkosh 54901-8636
M 6 - 8:15 PM
Sep - May
Geraldine Grine, 920-231-0176
Grades 6 - 12, Audition
Park View Orchestra
* Students *
Park View Middle School
930 N. Rochester St.
Mukwonago 53149-1144
- - Roxanne Carloni, 262-363-6292
Philharmonia Racine, Ltd
- W 7:15 - 9:45 PM
Jun - Aug
Ralph H. Lane (Passed away February 6, 2014)
Present Music
1840 N. Farwell Av., #502
Milwaukee 53202-1716
- - Kevin P. Stalheim
PM, 414-271-0711
(Colleen O'Donnell)
Prospect Hill Orchestra
* Students *
Prospect Hill Elemetary School
5330 S. Racine Av.
New Berlin 53146-3933
- - Kristin Anne Gleason, 262-789-6587
Racine Kiwanis Youth Symphony
(String Symphonette, Grades 4-6; String Orchestra, Grades 7-8; High School Symphony)
* Students *
Gilmore Middle School
2330 Northwestern Av.
First United Methodist Church
745 Main St.
Racine 53403
M 7:30 - 9:30 PM
Except summer
Patty Poulos, 262-886-0388
Cynthia Nelson, 262-633-4400
Audition, $125 per year
Racine Symphony Orchestra
PO Box 1874
Racine 53401
- - Andrew Massey
(Jennifer Samuelson, 262-636-9285)
Red Cedar Symphony, Ltd.
UW Barron County
Fine Arts Rehearsal Rm.
1800 College Dr.
Rice Lake 54868-2497
Sn 2:30 - 4:30 PM Edward G. Thompson, 715-234-8176, ext. 5410
Community members welcome (70 members)
T 7:30 - 9:30 PM
Red Oak Strings Madison Police - Midtown District
Community Room
4020 Mineral Point Rd
Madison 53705-5126
2nd Sa 1:00 PM John Lockhart
Rock Prairie Chamber Orchestra
UW Colleges Rock Campus, Cultural Center Room WCC139
2909 Kellogg Av.
Janesville 53546-5699
M 7:30 - 9:30 PM Jeff Suarez, 608-758-6554
Rock River Philharmonic
(Formerly Beloit Janesville Symphony Orchestra and Beloit Civic Orchestra) (1953)
Beloit College
Eaton Chapel
706 Emerson St.
PO Box 185
Janesville 53512-0185
- - Dr. Robert Tomaro, 608-313-1200
Saint Norbert College Ensembles and Instrumental Choirs See Bands page
Schauer Youth String Orchestra
Formerly: Kettle Moraine Youth String Orchestra
* Students *
Schauer Arts & Activities Center
147 N. Rural St.
Hartford 53027-1407
W 5:30 - 6:30 or 6:45 - 8:15 PM Phil Scales
(Tianna Conway, Director of Education, 262-670-0560, ext. 204)
Sheboygan Area Youth Symphony
* Students *
North HS Auditorium
1042 School Av.
Sheboygan 53083-4099
M 6:30 - 9:30 PM Debbie Williamson, 920-457-1473
(SAYS, 920-452-1985)
Sheboygan Symphony Orchestra
Stefanie H. Weill Center for the Performing Arts
921 N. 8th St., Suite 208
Sheboygan 53081-6320
T 7 - 10 PM McMahon, 920-452-1985
FAX 920-452-0165
Skylight Opera Theatre Chamber Orchestra 158 N. Broadway St.
Milwaukee 53202-6015
- - Richard L. Carsey, 414-962-5832
(Joan Lounsbery, 414-291-7811)
South Milwaukee High School Orchestra
* Students *
South Milwaukee HS
1001 15th Av.
South Milwaukee 53172-1503
- - Craig Kellenberger
SMHS, 414-768-6322
South Shore Youth Ensemble Milwaukee - - -
Southwestern Suburban Symphony
* Students *
Saber Center for the Performing Arts
Franklin HS
8222 S. 51st St.
Franklin 53132-9276
Sn - Christine Flasch
414-427-9428 or 414-434-2028
Stained Glass Brass Milwaukee - - Musicians from MSO and Florentine Opera Orchestra
String Academy of Wisconsin at UW Milwaukee
* Students *
UW Milwaukee
2400 E. Kenwood Blvd
Milwaukee 53211-3363
- - Darcy Drexler, 414-963-4069
(Mimi Zweig, 414-963-4729)
Ages 5-18, violin, viola, cello
String Orchestra for All Ages
Wisconsin Conservatory of Music
1584 N. Prospect Av.
Milwaukee 53202-6501
M 6:30 - 7:30 PM
except summer
Danielle Pardo, 414-276-5760
$100 per 12-week class
Studio Orchestra, The
Middleton Crossing
9401 Old Sauk Rd
Middleton 53562-4409
W 7 - 9 PM
Sept - May
Bill Callaway
Summer Backyard Orchestra
(1995 - 2003)
Summer Pops Orchestra
(2000 - 2003)
Greendale Youth Memorial Building
6898 Crocus Ct.
Greendale 53129-2300
W 6:15 - 7:45 PM
Susan Stachelski, 414-423-0521
Greendale, Franklin, West Allis, Hales Corners, New Berlin
SBO 7th grade or lower
SPO 8th grade or higher
Sun Prairie High School Orchestra
* Students *
Sun Prairie HS
220 Kroncke Dr.
Sun Prairie 53590-2985
- - Deirdre Abbott, 608-834-7882
University Community Orchestra Zelazo Center for the Performing Arts, Room 280
UWM Campus
2419 E. Kenwood Blvd.
Milwaukee 53211-3338
W 7 - 9:30 PM Margery Deutsch
Registration, 414-229-4609; $99 for 10 weeks: Sep-Dec, Jan-Apr, May-Jul
UW Baraboo Concert Orchestra UW Baraboo
1006 Connie Rd.
Baraboo 53913-1098
- - Gerald L. Stich
(UWB, 608-356-8351)
UW Eau Claire University Orchestra (Jazz Orchestra) UW Eau Claire
105 Garfield Av.
Eau Claire 54702-4004
- - Nobuyoshi Yasuda, 715-836-2284
Student and audition
UW Green Bay Wind Ensemble UW Green Bay
2420 Nicolet Dr.
Green Bay 54311-7001
- - UWGB, 920-465-2000
Student and audition
UW La Crosse Chamber Orchestra UW La Crosse
1725 State St.
La Crosse 54601-3788
- - Enaldo De Oliveira, 608-785-8409
(Auditions in Fall, 32 members)
UW La Crosse Jazz
(Jazz Ensemble I & II, Combos)
- - Dr. Gregory Balfany, 608-785-8409
UW La Crosse Symphonic Orchestra - - Enaldo De Oliveira, 608-785-8409
(70-80 members)
UW Madison Orchestra Program
(University Symphony, Chamber Orchestra)
UW Madison
455 N. Park St.
Madison 53706-1483
- - Student, audition
UW Madison All-University String Orchestra - - Student, no audition
UW Madison University Ensembles
(Cello Choir, Early Music Ensemble, Duets, Trios, Quartets)
- - Student, audition
UW Manitowoc Lakeshore Wind Ensemble
UW Manitowoc
705 Viebahn St.
Manitowoc 54220-6699
- - Michael J. Arendt, 920-683-4688
Open to community
UW Marshfield/Wood County Symphony Orchestra UW Marshfield/Wood County
2000 W. Fifth St.
Marshfield 54449-3310
Th 7 - 9 PM Tim McCollum, 715-389-6542
UW Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra
(Chamber Orchestra, String Orchestra - 1999)
UW Milwaukee
Fine Arts Music Bldg., Rm. 180
2223 E. Kenwood Blvd.
Milwaukee 53211-3314
T,Th 1:30 - 3:20 PM Margery Deutsch
(Audition 3 minute prepared solo, sight reading & consent)
F 3:30 - 5:20 PM
UW Milwaukee Wind Ensemble
M,F 2:30 - 3:20 PM Thomas L. Dvorak, 414-229-4560
(Audition & consent)
W 1:30 - 3:20 PM
UW Milwaukee Youth Wind Ensemble I
* Students *
- - Thomas L. Dvorak, 414-229-4560
UW Milwaukee Youth Wind Ensemble II
* Students *
- - John Hibler, 414-229-4560
UW Oshkosh Jazz Lab Ensemble UW Oshkosh
800 Algoma Blvd.
Room N206
Oshkosh 54901-8601
- - Dr. Marty Erickson, 920-424-7015
UW Oshkosh Orchestra - - Dr. Lucia Matos, 920-424-4227
UW Oshkosh Percussion Ensemble - - Dr. Alison Shaw, 920-424-7030
UW Oshkosh Wind Ensemble - - Dr. Rob McWilliams, 920-424-7016
UW Parkside Community Orchestra (2002) UW Parkside
Communications Arts Bldg., D-118
900 Wood Rd.
Kenosha 53141-2345
T 7:30 - 9:30 PM Alvaro Garcia, 262-595-2528
(UWP, 414-595-2457)
3 concerts per season
UW Parkside Guitar Ensemble UW Parkside
Communications Arts Building D-118
900 Wood Rd.
Kenosha 53141-2345
M 12 - 12:50 PM George Lindquist, 262-595-2581
(UWP, 414-595-2457)
UW Parkside Percussion Ensemble T 5:30 - 8 PM David Bayles, 262-595-2562
(UWP, 414-595-2457)
UW Parkside Symphony Orchestra
(Chamber Orchestra)
- - Alvaro Garcia, 262-595-2528
(UWP, 414-595-2457)
UW Parkside Wind Ensemble M,W 2 - 3:40 PM Mark Eichner, 262-595-2438
(UWP, 414-595-2457) Audition
UW Platteville Orchestra
(Wind Ensemble)
UW Platteville
Doudna Hall
1 University Plaza
Platteville 53818-3099
- - Director
(UWPLATT, 608-342-1125)
UW River Falls Ensembles
(Symphonic Wind, Percussion, Brass, Woodwind, Piano, Guitar, New Music)
UW River Falls
410 S. Third St.
River Falls 54022-5001
- - Dr. Kristin Tjornehoj, 715-425-3940
UW River Falls University/Community Orchestra - - Dr. Kristin Tjornehoj, 715-425-3940
UW Stevens Point - Wind Ensemble UW Stevens Point
1108 Freemont St.
Stevens Point 54481-3109
W,F 1 - 2:50 PM James Arrowood, 715-346-4599
Student, Room C-140
UW Stevens Point - University Orchestra T,Th 1 - 2:50 PM Patrick Miles, 715-346-2027
Student and audition, Room C-126
UW Superior Orchestra
(Trillium Trio)
UW Superior
Thorpe Langley and Old Main
PO Box 2000
Superior 54880-4500
- - Diane Balko, 715-394-8287
Audition in February, open to community
UW Whitewater Symphony Orchestra UW Whitewater
800 W. Main St.
Whitewater 53190-1790
- - Chris Ramaekers, 262-472-5623
UW Whitewater Symphonic Wind Ensemble
(Various individual instrument ensembles)
- Also summer camp Glenn C. Hayes, 262-472-1337
Washington County Youth Orchestra
UW Washington County
400 University Dr.
West Bend 53095
- - Dr. Daniel Ackley, 262-335-5200
Water City Chamber Orchestra
200B City Center
Oshkosh 54901
- - Jeffery Meyer, 920-233-7510
Watertown Area Chamber Orchestra
Watertown HS Auditorium
825 Endeavour Dr.
Watertown 53098-1728
- - Dr. Walter Rich
Waukesha Area Youth Orchestras
(1992) (Phledgling Philharmonic, Sinfonietta, Chamber Symphony)
* Students *
University Lake School Fine Arts
4024 Nagawicka Rd.
Hartland 53029-9363
T 6 -7 PM Timothy Cobb, 414-299-9829
Heather Broadbent, Matthew Masko
7 - 9 PM
Waukesha Symphony Orchestra (1947) See Wisconsin Philharmonic
Waunakee High School Orchestra
* Students *
Waunakee HS
1001 S. St.
Waunakee 53597-1651
- - Michael Barrett, 608-849-2060
Wausau Area Youth Symphony
* Students *
Wausau Conservatory of Music
401 4th St.
Wausau 54402-0392
T 7 - 9 PM Sean Michael Keelan
WCOM, 715-845-6279, ext. 207
Audition Sep.
Wausau Symphony Orchestra
(Formerly Wisconsin Valley Musicians prior to 1997)
D. C. Everest HS
6500 Alderson St.
Weston 54476-3900
M 8:30 - 9:30 PM Kurt Van Tiem, 715-845-2144
Wauwatosa East Symphony Orchestra
* Students *
Wauwatosa East HS
7500 Milwaukee Av.
Wauwatosa 53213-2299
- - Andy Johnson, 414-773-2192.
Wauwatosa West High School Orchestras
* Students *
Wauwatosa West HS
12121 W. North Av.
Wauwatosa 53226
- - David Topolovec, 414-773-3164
West Bend High School Orchestra
* Students *
West Bend HS
1305 East Decorah Rd.
West Bend 53095-4313
- - Chris Kraly, 262-335-5557
Whitewater Chamber Players Irvin L. Young Auditorium
930 W. Main St.
Whitewater 53190-ND
- - John Tuinstra, 262-472-5709
Whitewater Symphony Orchestra Irvin L. Young Auditorium
930 W. Main St.
Whitewater 53190-ND
- - Carmen J. Diagostine Wiest, 262-472-5621
Whitnall High School Orchestra
* Students *
Charles B. Whitnall HS
5000 S. 116 St.
Hales Corners 53228-3197
- - Christian Blanchard
Clay Wachholz, 414-425-4200, ext. 449
Winds of Southern Wisconsin
(1991) (Chapter of the American Recorder Society)
Trinity Lutheran Church
2376 W. Lawn Av.
Madison 53711-1954
3rd Sn
Sep - May
2 - 4 PM David Grindrod, 608-238-6288
recorder and similar early instruments
Wisconsin Chamber Orchestra
22 N. Carroll St., Ste. 104
Madison 53703-2724
- - Andrew Sewell
(WCO, 608-257-0638)
Wisconsin Intergenerational Orchestra (2016) New Berlin West High School
18695 W Cleveland Ave
New Berlin 53146
T 6:30 - 8:00 PM Jian Sun, 414-378-3660
(Benjamin Leon, Anne Marie Peterson, Siew Eng Goh)
Wisconsin Philharmonic
(1947) (Formerly Waukesha Symphony Orchestra)
Shattuck Auditorium
Carroll College
100 N. East Av.
Waukesha 53186-5593
- - Alexander Platt
Office, 262-547-1858
(Charles Grosz)
Musicians (PDF 39k)
Wisconsin Valley Musicians, Inc.
(1897 - 1997)
See Wausau Symphony Orchestra
Wisconsin Wind Orchestra
Caroll College, Shattuck Auditorium
100 N. East Av.
Waukesha 53186-5593
Varies Evenings Larry D. Harper, 262-524-7188, 262-970-9654
Wisconsin Youth Symphony Orchestra
(Youth, Concert, Philharmonia, Sinfonietta, Ensemble, Sectional) (1966)
* Students *
UW Madison
Humanities Bldg., Rm. 1625
485 N. Park St.
Madison 53706-1405
- - James Smith
360 students from 80 schools
grades 5 - 12
Xavier Orchestra
* Students *
Xavier HS
1600 W. Prospect Av.
Appleton 54914-5199
- - Gwen Hamel, 920-997-9314

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