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Rebec Bassets

ArrowrtTo fill out our questionnaire on-line, click here.  **

Reed & Becky Pomeroy
N5803 Jordson Coulee Rd., West Salem, WI  54669


Thank-you for inquiring about a Rebec Basset.  This form is designed to help in placing  every puppy into the proper home.  We would appreciate it if you would fill out this questionnaire and return it to us.

______________________________________________________________________ NAME -  Yours                                                   Spouse/Significant Other

______________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS                                             PHONE                              E-Mail

______________________________________________________________________ CITY                                                      STATE                                     ZIP

______________________________________________________________________ OCCUPATION - Yours                                                           PHONE

______________________________________________________________________ OCCUPATION - Spouse/Other                                              PHONE

How did you hear about us?_________________________________________________

What are the ages of any children living in your home or spending a lot of time with you?  (If none, do you expect this to change in the future?) ______________________________

Who are the adults living in your home or spending a lot of time with you?  Do you expect this to change in the future?  _____________________________________________


Does every family member want a dog?  Yes [  ]      No  [  ]     If no, please explain: ____________________________________________________________________

What types of hobbies does your family enjoy? _____________________________

What made you decide to get a dog? _____________________________________

Why did you decide on a basset? ________________________________________

Do you prefer a male or a female puppy? __________________________________

Do you have a color preference? _______________________________________

For what purpose are you purchasing a basset?  Family pet  [  ]  Obedience  [  ]  Show  [  ]  Breeding  [  ]  Other  _____________________________________________

Do you have a dog now or have you had dogs before?  Yes  [  ]  No  [  ]  If yes, what happened to them? _______________________________________________________

Have you had any unfavorable experiences with dogs in the past?  Yes  [  ]   No  [  ]  If yes, explain:  _________________________________________________________

Do you have any special concerns about bassets?  Yes [  ]  No  [  ]  If yes, explain: ________________________________________________________________

Do any family members have allergies?  Yes  [  ]  No  [  ]  If yes, explain: ________________________________________________________________

Do you own  [  ]  or rent  [  ]?  Do you live in a house  [  ]  or apartment  [  ]?

Where will you keep this puppy?  Inside  [  ]  Outside  [  ] Combination  [  ]        Other [  ]

Is your yard fenced?  Yes  [  ] No [  ]   Do you have a fenced dog run?    Yes[  ]  No[  ]  Do you plan to put up either of these in the near future?  Yes  [  ]  No  [  ]

Do you understand  the dog is not be kept tied outside or allowed to run loose,  and that the dog must be walked on a leash outside of fenced areas? Yes  [  ]  No  [  ]

Does this create a problem for you?  Yes  [  ]  No  [  ]  If yes, explain: ___________ _______________________________________________________________

Are you willing to use a crate as a home for the dog when you cannot supervise him/her?   Yes   [  ]   No   [  ]   Do you have any concerns about this?   Yes  [  ]  No  [  ]  If yes, please explain: _____________________________________________________

Do you understand the financial commitment involved in having a pet, beyond the initial cost of the dog?  Yes  [  ]  No  [  ]

Are you willing to spay/neuter this dog (if a pet quality puppy is purchased)?  Yes  [  ]  No  [  ]  If no, explain: _______________________________________________


Thank you Dave and for creating and hosting our on-line questionnaire!



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