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Rebec Bassets


This is a MUST HAVE item!  This package contains the grooming tools recommended by the crazy basset lady (me) to control basset shedding.  The molting season is fast approaching.  Soon, you will be knee-deep in underfluffies.  Be prepared to attack that shedding fur before it becomes a problem.  This package contains the hard to find Magnet style stripping knife to remove all that loose undercoat before it ends up on your floors and furniture.  It also contains the Zoom Groom to remove the loose guard hairs/outer coat before it works its way into the carpet and then into your foot.  Finally it contains a velvet finishing mitt to remove dust and dander and leave your basset with a shiney healthy looking coat. Also included is an instruction sheet explaining how to use these tools to keep your basset beautiful the crazy basset lady way.   Cost per kit is $34, shipping included.  All profits from  the sale of this kit will go towards my pledge to Basset Buddies Rescue at BassetFest.

grooming tools

Grooming Kit #1 with
Stripping Knife


This package substitutes a grooming stone for  the Magnet style stripping knife.  It is just as effective  to remove all that loose undercoat before it ends up on your floors and furniture.  It is perfect for the dog with more sensitive skin, or for the owner who is afraid the stripping knife will scratch the skin.   It also contains the Zoom Groom to remove the loose guard hairs/outer coat before it works its way into the carpet and then into your foot.  Finally it contains a velvet finishing mitt to remove dust and dander and leave your basset with a shiney healthy looking coat. Also included is an instruction sheet explaining how to use these tools to keep your basset beautiful the crazy basset lady way.   Cost for this package is $34, including shipping.  I accept personal checks or PayPal (preferred).  Profits from the sale of this item will go towards my pledge to Basset Buddies Rescue at BassetFest.


Grooming Kit #2 with
Stripping Stone

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To order, email me, including the name and number of the item(s) you wish to purchase.  I accept payment via personal check, money order, or PayPal (account name ).

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