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Rebec Bassets

Photo ID of Your Pet
If you were in a car accident with your fur friend, would rescue workers know how to care for your pet?  If he got lost in a strange city, could you prove to the finder that he was your pet?  Now your basset can have his own photo ID!  This laminated ID card is the size of a business card so it fits easily in your wallet.  The front features a photo of your pet along with his name, your name, address, and phone number.  The reverse has the name, location and phone number of your vet, any pertinent health or other information you wish to include, and his microchip or tattoo number.  Buyer will need to supply via e-mail or snail mail a printable photo of the pet, plus the necessary information to complete the ID card.  Cost per card is $10, including shipping.  Remember - all profits go to help the homeless hounds at Basset Buddies Rescue


Sample ID Card

ID Card Sample

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