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Rebec Bassets
More Grandpuppies...the extended family keeps on growing!
"Lucy" relaxing at home with the Pohls in Minnesota. She also seems to be practicing `the look´.
It would appear that "Sophie" also has THE LOOK down pat. She uses it on Jackie and Jim Sparks in Iowa.
"Maggie" - Rebec´s Blues Revival, TD. Maggie earned her tracking title, proving that the nose knows! Maggie lives with the Sheldons in Minnesota.
"Huey Long" waiting for Santa in Chicago where he lives with his slaves, the Claytons.
"Cleopatra" and friend. Relaxing at home with the Leslies in Iowa.
Rebec´s Monday Morning Quarterback is enjoying life in (where else??) Greenbay, WI. His friends call him Tucker.
"Ziggy" relaxing at home with his parents the Klapproths. He lives in Michigan and has attended the "Mishgun" Waddle!
"Bernie" appears perfectly comfortable in his new life training his new slaves Beth and Ben Edler in Maryland Heights, M
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